Aryn stumbled forward a bit, the support of the wall she was leaning on no longer there, nor the warm body she was pressing to in languid exploration. Put out of sorts by the swift change of location she immediately went for her battleaxe and looked around cautiously. Gone was the inn and the room she'd rented for the night. And, of course, no sign of Renya, the sweet, sweet bard she'd managed to charm into her room and possibly into her bed. But apparently that would no longer be happening as Aryn found herself in a grassy field, surrounded by trees, a funny shaped building that she could see in the distance and the familiar sound of waves coming from the north and west. She was also not alone. Five others stood there beside her, in a loose circle. To her right was a half-ling woman who appeared to be some sort of magic user and right next to her a giant toad. Aryn did not appear at all surprised by the sight of the large amphibian. She'd seen far more interesting creatures in the oceans she'd roamed twice over. On her left, a rock gnome surrounded by a sort of dark aura, who also appeared to be the magic type. [i]Is she grinning or cackling?[/i] Aryn wondered. Almost directly opposite her stood the only male in the mismatched group of strangers. A stocky dwarf who possessed a sort of balance about him that belied his burly outlook. To the left of the dwarf a tiefling female, who appeared quite weak and fragile, but also very alluring. And next to the tiefling an impressive and imposing female figure, riding a unicorn. A strong and captivating specimen of the human race, wielding a spear and looking down on all the rest of them from her elevated position atop her mount. [i]An impressive assembly to be sure.[/i] Aryn mused, observing the strangers with her weary, cold blue eyes. [i]Well, I know they're not friends. But are they foe? Is any of them responsible for us being here? And more to the point. Why [i]are [/i]we here?[/i] Aryn's thoughts flowed freely assessing the situation she found herself in, wishing strongly that she be back in her inn, in her room, pinning the sweet, sweet Renya to the wall. While Aryn was imagining herself against the warm and supple female body, the alluring thiefling spoke: "It was wonderful to meet you all, but I think I would prefer to return to what I was previously doing now." And promptly disappeared into nothingness. That spurred more to voice their thoughts and concerns. The dwarf following suit after the thiefling: “Alright, lasses. I don’t know which of you brought me here, but I wouldn’t mind going back as well.” He appeared to hesitated for a moment, before adding. “Er… please?” Aryn opened her mouth to say something but tall, handsome and mounted beat her to it. "We did not summon you dwarf. I am Alex and this is Adal. We too seek passage back to a battle against demons assailing our temple. Who was it who summon us? Speak now!" [i]Well, that's three out of six total that claim to not be responsible for this sudden shift in location.[/i] Aryn mused. [i]I know I didn't bring us here. So if I can believe those three, which I'm not likely to do without hard evidence, and if the other two also have nothing to do with this, then who. And why?[/i] Aryn lowered her battleaxe, but never losing her battle stance. "I don't know who brought it upon themselves to bring me... us, here, and frankly I don't care. But whoever it is, you will undo it promptly for I have affairs to go back to!" Her words, frosty like the oceans depths and her tone imperial never doubting her request will be met with the appropriate actions.