[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lAsTeAf.jpg?1[/img] [color=gold]Shiba[/color]: interacting with [@Scarescrow][@Ithradine][/center] Shiba smiled as the guild master as he put a hand on Shiba's shoulder and started to introduce him to everyone that was present he was glad he was able to be properly introduced as opposed to sneaking around and watching them afar but he was glad this was allowed given the circumstances since Shiba knew he showed up in a way that would make anyone suspicious but he really wanted to be a part of a good guild and he had believed that this group was it. The first person to introduce himself after the boss accepted him was the self-proclaimed bastion of the legion was Dirk Davidson and when he shook hands with him Shiba couldn't help but laugh at how overdramatic he was being but he didn't dislike it. Shiba was introduced to the others before they left to get moving deeper into the dungeon. Soon enough though they were attacked by wolves which Shiba thought was ironic in a way it was pack vs pack but the legion had a clear advantage. He was given orders to work with the Marauder Paralyze Shiba nodded as he said [color=gold]"Got it boss"[/color] He then moved forward and said [color=gold]"Paralyze go forward I'll keep it at a distance"[/color] he told him unsure if he should give orders but the fact was clear the marauder was the tank and Shiba was the damage dealer. It was also clear that Shiba wasn't suited to be in front so he would stay in the back at least until he could cause more damage in the front. Shiba then reached into his pouch and he pulled out 5 shurikens and he started to throw each of them at the wolf... Summary: Shiba introduced himself to everyone Shiba charge ahead and threw 5 shurikens at wolf 3