Still, Epsilon remained quiet as he waited, and as he was spoken to. When the hood was taken off his head turned nearly a whole hundred and eighty degrees to calmly stare at the man who had done it, in the exact same position he was placed earlier. Only about a minute later did he rise to his feet and he took one of the offered lasguns. He held it like it was some alien object that may well explode, turning the whole thing this way and that. He removed the las-pack, examined it and placed it once more within priming the weapon again. Then he grabbed another of the lasguns and put it before the guardswoman who had refused it, the weapon balancing perfectly on it's stock. Grey eye might violet, and the Kriegsman had something akin to hope that Inessa would pick up the weapon; two loyal soldiers is better than one. "This female is correct." He said, moving his grip on the lasgun to hold it ready for combat. "Unless you have evidence incriminating the attacking members of His Holy Inquisition, we are committing treason against our beloved Emperor. I shall not stand for this. I will not be in your traitorous war, as she has decided to refrain from as well." However, there were two other guardsmen who had yet not made the choice. The Kriegsman knew he had to appeal to them somehow to grab the lasguns so the issue of numbers would be at least somewhat sorted out. However, he knew that other people functioned differently from him in their thought process. The trouble was he did not know how they did precisely. So, he went for the truthful and precise. "You two men have most likely sworn some oath to our God-Emperor, and to be loyal to his delegates. You should take these arms, and arise for what is right."