[hider=Catching Wind] [h3]A month ago….[/h3] This was a little troublesome. A little too troublesome. The Juz had been told that he and Unaysah only needed to run a bit of mapping and recon then provide support when necessary. Eyes in the sky, they said, or walls in their case. Not this. Not be forcibly led in a room full of armed Alliance soldiers that had caught Unaysah. Apparently, one of their members, Bulwark, was wanted in a certain Minos sector for something particularly bad. The Juz’ couldn’t help but wonder if they were set up either. After all, how could all of their positions for tonight’s recon get leaked? No one was supposed to know that they were going to map a military facility. At least, none outside their group. Unfortunately, since Koren was a part of their group, he was guilty by association. He’s just thankful that they just contained Unaysah before tossing her in the transport ship with them. A small muttered prayer thanking the Gods escaped his lips as he felt the butt of the rifle on his temple. The next thing he knew, his helmet was off and his armor was particularly uncomfortable. Especially with the tractor beam cuffs keeping his arms still behind his back and him lying face down on the floor. Apparently, he was out for quite a while. So was Unaysah. The arachnid was very antsy and hissed at everyone that attempted to get near her containment glass. Only when Koren came to did his guards exclaim a sigh of relief as the ball of angry legs pressed itself towards Koren’s direction and chirped excitedly. The Juz’ sat up with some effort and looked around. The familiar faint humming that he heard and felt within his head assured him that his psi-inhibitor collar was on. There were approximately 4 human guards within the dim and seemingly dank room that he was in. His eyes glowed in the relative darkness as he stared at one of his prison guards and tried to look as poker-faced as he usually does. The guard found the silent staring quite perturbing and exclaimed as such. G1: [b]“He’s… just looking at me.”[/b] G2: [b]“Well yeah. No shit.”[/b] G3: [b]“You’d prefer him like that, rookie.”[/b] G4: [b]“Yeah, man. The last Juz’’s that we caught threw fits. A guy got real bad burns with one of them.”[/b] G1: [b]“O-okay… But aren’t they supposed to be… um. Violent?”[/b] G3: [b]“Now that you mention it…”[/b] The guards looked at the Juz’, prompting him to look at them all the same as he waited for something to happen. G1: [b]“So… should we do something about him staring at me?”[/b] G4: [b]“Nah. As long as that collar stays on him, he shouldn’t be able to do anything about it.”[/b] G2: [b]“The higher-ups should really invest on psi-inhibitor collars more. It’ll make our lives easier.”[/b] G3: [b]“I know, right? Though it’s a lil drafty here so I think they should look at the vents too while they’re at it.”[/b] The prison guards would continue their idle conversation after most of them had gotten used to Koren staring and the relative peace that they have with the lack of a spider throwing a hissy fit. After a minute or so, the sounds of footsteps would echo the halls before the door inevitably opened from behind Koren. Turning around, he would see that there is a woman in a well-fitting suit and two more guards behind her. His own guards would salute at the woman, to which she would respond with her own before dropping it. [b]“At ease,”[/b] she would say with an accent that the Juz’ found himself familiar and relaxing to, before the four would drop their salutes to move and give way to her. [b]“I heard that yer a pretty important person based on yer… horns' rings,”[/b] she asked him with a smile. Koren would look back at her, unsure of what to say or if he should divulge to someone like her. In the back of his mind he wanted to see if he could run towards her and pierce her with his horns just to see what would exactly happen. But a room full of 6 armed guards kept him from trying that. [b]”Cat got yer tongue?”[/b] the woman would ask again and Koren broke eye-contact from the sly grin that he saw on the woman. It reminded him of someone that he knew before and an unused word came into mind. Though he pushed the thought away before he looked at her again to see if he could at least test her. [b]”Nothin’s gonna happen if you keep yer mouth shut, son. Better answer my questions so we can get to a few tests. Then we’ll see where those eyes of yours’ll take ya.”[/b] [/hider] [h3]Present time…[/h3] The Juz’ felt like it had been such a long time since he saw the outside of the prison-like facility that kept him for nearly a month. While his face remained as stoic as ever before he donned his helmet, his body ached as he moved around in his armor. The only consolation that he has for walking limply towards a shuttle is that he has Unaysah safely resting in her carrier, and that he will be staying in a ship: somewhere where he would feel a little more alive in than in a static building. He only has a few items on his person now, too. Three bags that he managed to bargain for since the rest of his items have been thrown out or taken in as evidence for his past crimes. [b]”What’re you waiting for? Move!”[/b] a guard would say as he nudged Koren into the shuttle heading towards his pick-up point for an Alliance project that he hesitantly accepted. [b]”The Revenant Project,”[b] the female officer with a well fitting suit says as she finished his last test that left him with the said limp that he is nursing at the moment. The deal was that they were going to ship him off with a bunch of other baddies who did a lot of wrongs and got caught red-handed for it in exchange for potential freedom somewhere along the line. Though he wasn’t too eager to lack the ability to partially choose who, with, and what he would work for, he didn’t have much of a choice. It’s either he gets sent to a slow death or a horrible one if he was sent back to Juz’ and get sentenced to torture and execution in charges of treason. While the hull of the annoyingly rickety HY-4530 ship shuttle was less than preferred, with its incompatibly strong thrusters and weak power core, he would rather this than staying another night in that hell-hole they call a testing facility. [hider=OOC] Just made some edits that my tired ass earlier didn't notice [/hider]