It was after Raiya having preached her gloomy take on the situation did Nemo respond by at least lightening it up. With a single word, a small portion of seawater near them rose the ocean they inhabited and shifted its shape and substance until it resembled a small raft. A transmutation spell? thought Travis as he followed Nemo along Raiya into the ebony-hued boat. Travis eventually pulled himself from the ocean and nearly collapsed within their artificial watercraft, showing a brief sign of exhaustion afterwards. While tending to himself, Travis nearly became oblivious to Nemo's following statement, more of a request unto to Untalent, in addressing the issue with their Paragon hindering them from contacting Felix, "W-what? Oh, right. Gimme a minute," he replied, sounding somewhat dazed. Once he had received his small crystalline case containing his experimental rune back from Zuri after she had used it against Rutger, he pulled the Paragon of Fantasia out from the confines of his trench coat. Unlike the rune's initial use on Espial in a more controlled environment, Travis figured that the application process was essentially the same without the need of a compartment of sorts to store the powerful mana crystal. Additionally, the blinding of this Paragon was temporary and a necessary means to an end. Travis took aim with his rune and pointed it at Fantasia, away from his teammate less they get caught within its aura-ripping influence. "Heads up, this is gonna be [i]loud[/i]. Better cover your ears," he warned as he began channeling his mana through the rune, Such as the case with their battle with Rutger, his rune once more ejected a screaming pule upon its activation. The projected wave quickly collided with Fantasia's aura, causing an extremely high-pitched sound to resonate as if two large metallic objects grinded their durable surfaced against one another. As a result to this collision, the Paragon's emanating mana and aura were violently discharged through a surging ray of light that exited into the dying horizon. From what Travis could gather, the brilliance shown here was certainly more active than observed with Espial thought he difference was that this Paragon was not being visually hidden away. The processed eventually subsided immediately after a minute after the rune had successfully disabled the Paragon. "Ow," Travis stated before trying to pop his jaw in a futile attempt to null the ringing in his ears, "yeah, that was loud." After getting over the screeching results of the spell blinding their Paragon, Travis summoned up his manalysis and observed the now passive Fantasia. Just as how Espial was effected, Travis could certainly see that Fantasia's beaming aura had faded tremendously despite the still present signs of mana coursing through it. Just as Felix had noted with the same-effected Espial, Travis could also confirm that this Paragon was not even responding or attempting to interact with his own aura at all now, signaling to him that its ley-lines have been rendered useless. However, because the Paragon was no longer operable in its new blinded and restrained state, the effect of peering into it as he found no longer gave the typical overwhelming experience everyone would have usually felt, almost degrading the sensation of how one would look at a usually charged mana crystal. "Well, Fantasia here seems pretty dormant now. I'm not seeing or [i]sensing[/i] an aura," Travis replied while his focus still remained on the Paragon, "try your manadials; I don't think we should be bothered by that interference anymore."