I guess this issue isn't so much an a really prevalent annoyance, as it is... surprise, maybe, at finding it in the casual section where I most frequent (Could be in Advanced too, but I don't go there much). Or at the most, something that causes mild irritability; Guess I just wanted to throw it up here to see if anyone else agrees, or if I'm being too critical of people's writing style. One thing I've noticed throughout various threads (Can't name any in particular, because plenty of people had done it, and this isn't so much a call-out post as it is just a way to see if I'm just being nit-picky), is a particular style of writing in which the writer has explained a situation in a really... boring manner, I guess you would call it? I'm no expert on english language terminology or rules, but I think it falls under the "Show, don't tell" rule. Instead of writing in an interesting way that their character is feeling scared, or shocked, or angry, they just state that and don't really elaborate on how that has then effected the expression of the character's face, their stance, their tone of voice, the atmosphere - stuff like that. Stuff that actually makes the writing interesting to read because the emotion has been described to make you believe it's happening, rather than just telling you it is and that's that. Not sure if I'm explaining it all that well, but hopefully you guys get the gist of what I'm saying. I also got to thinking that I need to be more vigilant in making sure it doesn't happen in my own writing - looking back, I don't think I've written something that "lame" unless I've been struggling to write to meet a deadline or my creativity isn't working so well. But I could be entirely wrong, and I could have done it lots of times - rather be embarrassed by it over being called a hypocrite though. If I have done it, I'll be making damn sure it doesn't happen again, because I don't want people to be bored over my writing. (Could be happening regardless though lol). So what do you guys think? Have you ever encountered this? Do you find it mildly annoying, or am I just being nit-picking? If you haven't noticed this particular thing, what is something that you've noticed other roleplayers do that annoys you? Thoughts would be welcome!