[center][h1][color=bdbdbd][sup]M [sup][color=#815C16]•[/color][/sup] A [sup][color=ed1c24]•[/color][/sup] G [sup][color=00aeef]•[/color][/sup] I [sup][color=0072bc]•[/color][/sup] C[/sup][/color] [sup][sup][sup][color=DBA901]𝖡𝖤𝖳𝖠[/color][/sup][/sup][/sup][/h1][/center] [color=bdbdbd][color=DBA901][center]H O W D O E S M A G I C W O R K ?[hr][sup]P A R T 1[/sup][/center][/color][hr]All magic in this game is divided into disciplines and each discipline is governed by a point system. [color=DBA901]T H E P O I N T S Y S T E M[/color] Any given character's mastery over a specific discipline is reliant on points. There are a total of [b][color=ffffff]9[/color][/b] cumulative points per discipline with one extra "Mastery" point, all of which can be collected over the course of the game and are permanent once obtained. [color=ffffff]These points are divided into three levels and each level grants a different bonus depending on the type of mage.[/color] Here is the visual representation of discipline mastery that will be used during the game: [center]3rd Level Fire Mage [color=ed1c24]•••[/color] | [color=ed1c24]•••[/color] | [color=ed1c24]•[/color][color=ed1c24]•••[/color][/center] Spells and manipulation on any level may consume points, points which [i]can[/i] be recharged after resting or at a rate of one point per hour. However, there are some special items that exist in the world that can recharge these points immediately or even grant extra points temporarily. Characters at the start of the game will begin with three points of which two can be applied to a primary discipline and one can be applied to a secondary discipline. More on the difference between primary and secondary later. [color=ffffff]At any point during the game, discipline mastery can be improved upon by study and practice in [i]that discipline[/i].[/color] Your GM will reward them for actions take in game, interesting use of mechanics showing experimentation and practice, and through a general accumulation of experience. In addition some races give bonus starting points to certain disciplines so be sure to choose accordingly. More information about point allocation and the creation of your specific magic combination will be provided in the CS. [color=DBA901]D I S C I P L I N E S[/color] Earth [color=#815C16]•[/color] Fire [color=ed1c24]•[/color] Air [color=00aeef]•[/color] Water [color=0072bc]•[/color] Light [color=ffffff]•[/color] Dark [color=000000]•[/color] Beast Shape [color=f7941d]•[/color] Summon [color=662d91]•[/color] Tinker • Vampirism [color=9e0b0f]•[/color] Lesser Divinity [color=ed145b]•[/color] [color=DBA901]P R I M A R Y & S E C O N D A R Y[/color] Most disciplines can be designated as either primary or secondary. This includes all elementals and Summoners. [color=ffffff]Primary disciplines represent your main school of magic.[/color] For example, Fire [color=ed1c24]•[/color] is obviously the primary of our Fire mage. All magic utilized by our mage is manifested in some form of flame. [color=ffffff]Secondary disciplines are used to enhance primary magic.[/color] If we were to add Air [color=00aeef]•[/color] as our Fire Mage's secondary discipline , we would unlock the potential for a new type of magic, in this case Lightning [color=ed1c24]•[/color][sup][color=00aeef]••[/color][/sup]. Unlike primary discplines, secondary disciplines are represented like so: [center]3rd Level Fire Mage [color=ed1c24]•••[/color][sup][color=00aeef]•[/color][/sup] | [color=ed1c24]•••[/color][sup][color=00aeef]•[/color][/sup] | [color=ed1c24]•••[/color][sup][color=00aeef]•[/color][/sup][/center] Although there are three levels for the secondary discipline as well, there are only three points, none of which are ever spent. These points are placeholders and represent the rules applied to the primary discipline from the secondary. More on this relationship detailed in "Spells". [color=DBA901]S P E L L S[/color] Any spells created from the combination of elements consumes points from the primary discipline only. Here is what a typical spell looks like: [color=ffffff]Steam[/color][sup][color=DBA901]1[/color][/sup] [color=0072bc]•[/color][sup][color=ed1c24]•[/color][/sup] [indent]Create a blast of super heated water and air from an available source of water that can be used as a smoke screen or, at close range, scald a target.[/indent] Note the [color=DBA901][sup]1[/sup][/color] next to the spell. That number represents the minimum level at which the mage must be to cast that spell. Spells are ranked [color=DBA901][sup]1-3[/sup][/color] & [color=DBA901][sup]M[/sup][/color], M meaning the mage must be a master of the discipline before they can cast it. The colored dots represent point cost. The [color=0072bc]•[/color] means the spell is primarily a water spell and therefore costs a single Water Mage point. The [sup][color=ed1c24]•[/color][/sup] means the spell is influenced by the rules and general effects of a secondary element, in this case fire. [color=DBA901]M A S T E R Y[/color] Mastery is the last step for any discipline. After all nine points have been obtained, further study and practice will unlock an additional "Mastery" point and give way to a new exclusive spell or simply further benefits specific to your discipline. Here is a visual representation of our fully realized Fire Mage with a secondary discipline indicated and his final mastery point marked: [center][color=ed1c24]•[/color][color=ed1c24]•[/color][color=ed1c24]•[/color][sup][color=00aeef]•[/color][/sup] | [color=ed1c24]•[/color][color=ed1c24]•[/color][color=ed1c24]•[/color][sup][color=00aeef]•[/color][/sup] | [color=ed1c24]•[/color][color=ed1c24]•[/color][color=ed1c24]•[/color][sup][color=00aeef]•[/color][/sup] [color=ed1c24]◉[/color][/center] As a general rule, all point cost for a discipline is reduced by half once mastered. More specific benefits are detailed in each discipline breakdown. [hr][color=DBA901][center][sup]P A R T 2[/sup][/center][/color][hr]Now that we understand how to use magic in it's most basic form, it's time to explore it's use as the fuel for a catalyst. As any mage knows, spells don't just come from the hands. Some of the better known mages have used wands and weapons to cast their spells. Rings, articles of clothes, shoes, almost any item can be used. How does this come to be? Well with crystals of course. [color=DBA901]S T O R I N G A S P E L L[/color] The first step is to store a spell. In order to do this you need two things: An empty [color=ffffff]Arazilian Crystal[/color] and [color=ffffff]a spell[/color] of course. Anyone with the ability to cast said spell can do this. To give you a basic understanding of how this works, we'll use a visual representation to demonstrate fusing a level 1 fire manipulation spell with a crystal: Here are the ingredients: Spell: [color=ffffff]Fire[/color][sup][color=DBA901]1[/color][/sup] [color=ed1c24]•[/color] Crystal: 💠[sup][color=ffffff]empty[/color][/sup] [center][color=ffffff]Fire[/color][sup][color=DBA901]1[/color][/sup] [color=ed1c24]•[/color] [sup]fuse to[/sup]➡ 💠[sup][color=ffffff]empty[/color][/sup] [sup]result[/sup]= [color=ed1c24]💠[/color][sup][color=ffffff]Fire[/color][sup][color=DBA901]1[/color][/sup] [color=ed1c24]•[/color][/sup][/center] The mage who cast the spell will have expended the point to do so, casting the spell into the crystal. The spell is now trapped and cannot be removed, changed or used in any way as it currently is. Also of note, the crystal itself will have rewritten it's properties and will only take the spell that it was originally fed. Trying to deplete the crystal and store in it an entirely new spell will not work. [color=DBA901]F U S I N G T H E C R Y S T A L T O A W E A P O N[/color] The next step is to forge the crystal into a weapon. The crystal can be placed in any level of weapon but will only succeed without fail if the weapon and the spell in the crystal are of a lower level than the [color=ffffff]tinkerer[/color] trying to fuse them. If the weapon or spell is any higher, a roll will need to be made. Additionally if you are not a tinkerer, [color=ffffff]you can only fuse spells to weapons if you have access one.[/color] Here is a visual representation: Tinker Level: ••• | • or [color=ffffff]Level 2[/color] Crystal: [color=ed1c24]💠[/color][sup][color=ffffff]Fire[/color][sup][color=DBA901]1[/color][/sup] [color=ed1c24]•[/color][/sup] Catalyst: [color=ffffff]Dagger[/color][sup][color=DBA901]1[/color][/sup] [center][color=ed1c24]💠[/color][sup][color=ffffff]Fire[/color][sup][color=DBA901]1[/color][/sup] [color=ed1c24]•[/color][/sup] [sup]fuse to[/sup]➡ [color=ffffff]Dagger[/color][sup][color=DBA901]1[/color][/sup] [sup]result[/sup]= [color=ffffff]Dagger[/color][sup][color=DBA901]1[/color][/sup] [color=ed1c24]💠[/color][sup][color=ffffff]Fire[/color][sup][color=DBA901]1[/color][/sup] [color=ed1c24]•[/color][/sup][/center] [color=ffffff]Dagger[/color][sup][color=DBA901]1[/color][/sup] [color=ed1c24]💠[/color][sup][color=ffffff]Fire[/color][sup][color=DBA901]1[/color][/sup] [color=ed1c24]•[/color][/sup] [indent]When activated, this dagger will ignite in flames and remain so until extinguished or activated again. A target struck by this weapon will receive one hit and also be set on fire. Once used, the crystal is depleted and must be recharged.[/indent] For more specific details about fusing crystals, please see the guide on the tinkerer discipline. [/color]