[color=bdbdbd][color=DBA901][center]M A G E : D A R K[/center][/color][hr][center]Dark [color=000000]•[/color][/center] Dark Mages govern mind and body in negative ways [i]and[/i] control the very essence of the shadows themselves. At their best, they can bring pain and pestilence to entire armies and make the shadows extensions of themselves. [indent][indent][indent] [color=DBA901][sub]L E V E L 1[/sub][/color] For an instant, a small shadow can be persuaded to move in a straight line in any direction carrying with it the persuasive spells dark mages utilize. This shadow is formless and cannot pass through objects. It can however be absorbed into a target bestowing upon it a desired effect. [color=DBA901][sub]L E V E L 2[/sub][/color] The shadows can be bent and moved at will. Spells at this level degrade the body, slowing targets, weakening them and even poisoning them. [color=DBA901][sub]L E V E L 3[/sub][/color] Mages can turn light to dark both figuratively and literally. Shadows can be conjured and maintained in an area no more than ten feet in diameter providing the addition of an "area of effect" to any spell. In this way, ailments can be applied en mass. [color=DBA901]M A S T E R Y[/color] [color=ffffff]Death[/color][sup][color=DBA901]M[/color][/sup] [color=000000]•[/color][color=000000]•[/color][color=000000]•[/color][color=000000]•[/color][color=000000]•[/color][color=000000]•[/color][color=000000]•[/color][color=000000]•[/color][color=000000]•[/color] [indent]Mark a target for death. Your target cannot be someone who sees you as a friend and you must be touching the target to successfully cast this spell. Although marked, the effects of this spell will not take hold of a target until it is weak and unable to resist it's influence.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/color]