[color=bdbdbd][color=DBA901][center]M A G E : E A R T H[/center][/color][hr][center]Earth [color=#815C16]•[/color][/center] Mages of this discipline command the very earth itself, forcing it to submission and manipulating it as they see fit. At their best, they can shift entire landscapes, create spouts of lava and even alter gravity... [indent][indent][indent] [color=DBA901][sub]L E V E L 1[/sub][/color] For an instant, elements can be persuaded to move in a straight line in any direction. As an example, the trajectory of a thrown pebble can be improved when a mage pushes against as it leaves their hand. Alternatively, if the pebble is being thrown at a mage, they can catch the pebble by pushing against it in the opposite direction, slowing it down or stopping it entirely. Pushing Earth only requires points when subjected to extreme usage. [color=ffffff]Follow the rule of 100[/color]. Stopping an object over 100lbs will drain a point. Moving an object beyond 100ft from the caster will drain a point. [color=DBA901][sub]L E V E L 2[/sub][/color] For a duration, elements can be made to move in any direction. [color=ffffff]Each available point grants one minute of manipulation.[/color] Besides direction and duration, the same rules for level 1 applies. [color=DBA901][sub]L E V E L 3[/sub][/color] Instantly conjure your element in an unoccupied space in your line of sight. Three points are consumed.[color=ffffff]Additional points are consumed if rules from levels 1 and 2 are applied to the summoned mass[/color] ie. summoning more than 100lbs of rock will consume an extra point. [color=DBA901]M A S T E R Y[/color] [color=ffffff]Gravity[/color][sup][color=DBA901]M[/color][/sup] [color=#815C16]•[/color][color=#815C16]•[/color][color=#815C16]•[/color][color=#815C16]•[/color][color=#815C16]•[/color][color=#815C16]•[/color][color=#815C16]•[/color][color=#815C16]•[/color][color=#815C16]•[/color] [indent]Increasing the density and the mass of a chunk of earth in your line of sight, you sharply increase it's pull. Targets within 10ft of your spell's locations will be pinned and crushed by the g-force alone. Targets within 20ft will be unable to move, moving causing them to loose their footing and fall toward the epicenter. Targets up to 30ft will be slowed considerably.[/indent] [/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=DBA901]S P E L L B O O K[/color] [color=ffffff]Smoke Screen[/color][sup][color=DBA901]1[/color][/sup] [color=#815C16]•[/color][color=ed1c24]•[/color] [indent]Instantly conjure a thick black cloud of smoke. Can be used to mask movement or confuse.[/indent] [color=ffffff]Earthquake[/color][sup][color=DBA901]3[/color][/sup] [color=815C16]•[/color] ➧ [color=815C16]•[/color][color=815C16]•[/color][color=815C16]•[/color][color=815C16]•[/color][color=815C16]•[/color][color=815C16]•[/color][color=815C16]•[/color][color=815C16]•[/color] [indent]Create an earthquake in the immediate area. The magnitude is dependent on the number of points consumed.[/indent] [/color]