[color=bdbdbd][color=DBA901][center]M A G E : S U M M O N E R[/center][/color][hr][center]Summoner [color=662d91]•[/color][/center] Summoners conjure all manner of beasts and creatures to their side as aid. These beings exist only in the moment, given form as is the will of their master, and do their bidding until dismissed or are forced to leave this plane by some other means. [indent][indent][indent] [color=DBA901][sub]L E V E L 1[/sub][/color] Summon tiny beasts and creatures to your side, as many as there are summoning points available. Creatures of this size are generally used as scouts, distractions or even simply as pets. Summoning a tiny creature costs one point for each summon and their health reflects the point used. They leave this plane of existence after 24 hours, after being dismissed or after taking hits equal to their health. [color=DBA901][sub]L E V E L 2[/sub][/color] Summon medium sized beasts and creatures to aid you. Summoning costs two points and all the rules for level 1 apply. [color=DBA901][sub]L E V E L 3[/sub][/color] Summon large beasts and creatures. Summoning cost is three points an all the above rules apply. [color=DBA901]M A S T E R Y[/color] One of your summoned creatures is permanent, remaining long after their 24 hours is up. However, they can still be dismissed or dispelled when they've taken to much damage. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=DBA901]C O M B I N I N G E L E M E N T S[/color] Summoners are allowed to combine elements in much the same was as the base elemental disciplines allowing for summons with unique abilities. As an example, if a mage has one point in summoning and one point in fire, they can create a crow that is cloaked in flames. Attacks from this beast do fire damage as well, or can be used simply as a source of mobile light. [color=DBA901]B O N D[/color] Primary discipline exclusive. Summoners have the option to "bond" to a specific animal. A locked animal benefits from a boost in abilities that other summoned beasts do not have. For instance, any locked animals are permanent once summoned, only dismissed when ordered to or when they've taken too much damage. More importantly, bonded animals are extensions of their summoner. Summoners can cast spells through their summon, see through their eyes, speak through them and teleport their summoned beast to within arms reach of themselves. You can only bond with one animal... ever. A Bonded animal will often develop their own personalities, likes and dislikes, fears, etc. This animal is the same every time it's summoned and is easily distinguishable in a crowd of similar beasts. As a trade, the summoner looses the ability to summon [i]any[/i] other animal and can now only summon those of the same [color=ffffff]family[/color]. For example, our fire mage has decided to bond with a Panda he's named Panpan (cause I'm so fucking good at names). He can also summon grizzly bears but he cannot summon a hawk. [/color]