[center] [b]Cajjy Space, Fourth Quadrant. System: Nethplume. Planet: Nethplume Prime.[/b][/center] [hr] A toxic cloud of vapors hung over the gloomy interior of [i]The Guta’s Saloon[/i] giving anyone entering without a cleansing mask an almost instant buzz. The chemical concoction perpetuated every aspect of the run down little bar, giving it a smell that took some getting used too. The source of this chemical mix stemmed from the numerous alien smoking devices from a hundred different systems. The diverse collection of creatures ensured the bar always had some new smell and cloud and sight to see. Cajjinxs with their pink tobacco pipes dominated the local scene tonight, filling the tiny saloon with their slimy bulks. A large mining cruiser full of invaluable scented stones from the depths of some gaseous planet had arrived intending to refuel, bringing with it a full crew of thirsty, stressed out Cajjinx workers. And as is common amongst all races, after acquiring their pay they dispersed in droves to the nearest saloons in town. One wasn’t like the others though. The waiter lass with too many arms and a fuzzy bod noted this early on, giving this newcomer her [i]special[/i] attention. While the majority of his kind were dressed in ragged jumpsuits he was adorned in fancy clothes, and his slimy skin was clean and even perfumed and waxed. Clearly he was an officer or manager aboard the mining ship, someone with more than a few kredits to rub together. Why someone high-class like that spent his money in a seedy little alehouse like [i]Guta’s[/i] while fancier options were readily available was beyond her. It might’ve had to do with his nervous shaky hand that a few drinks calmed, or the way he checked over his shoulder every few seconds that the intoxicating buzz soon cured, but whatever the reason she knew she was going to take the opportunity and milk him of every kredit he had. The night was going well for everyone involved, the mysterious rich Cajjinx was enjoying himself very much, even as his bank account grew emptier. The waiter lass was about to call it a good night when a strange looking human walked into the saloon, bold as brass expectorating into the spittoon. Most everyone ignored him as he strode across the room boots clacking on the wooden floor before taking a seat at the bar next to the rich Cajjinx and waiter lass. [color=004b80]“Whisky hon, and bring it fast. I’ve been to every bar in this damned station town looking for this here man. I haven’t gotten to drink once and I’m thirstier than a desert locked tumbleweed.”[/color] The waitress eyed the stranger, a look of bemusement on her face. The man waited patiently for a moment before tipping his cattle hat. [color=004b80]“Yes, I know I’m dashing, just, th’ drink please. I’ve got business with my quarry here.”[/color] [color=ec008c]“You’re in these here parts illegal mister.” The waitress accused at last, gathering enough wits to challenge this intruder. “Humans ‘r banned from Cajjy space, by law ya know. I ought to call th’ coppers on ya.”[/color] [color=0054a6]“Oh that really wouldn’t be necessary. I’m Sheriff Jean Wylder after all, no need to be all repetitious with more lawmen. I’m sure I could handle any illegals on my own.”[/color] The wealthy Cajjinx who was looking rather ill began to stand up, slurring some excuse under his breath. Faster than a snake’s bite Jean’s hand whipped down to his waist unsheathing a dangerous looking pistol. Keeping the weapon hidden under the bar’s lip Jean motioned for the Cajjinx to retake his seat, a new deadly hint plainly evident in his voice. [color=0072bc]“Now we don’t want no mess do we? So I suggest we all play nice and talk this out like reasonable folk over a shot of whisky. Wouldn’t you agree honey? So why don’t ya amble over to them bottles nice and pleasant like, get us something to drink so we can discuss our problems out together.” [/color] The waiter lass stood, eyeing Jean maliciously. [color=ec008c]“I’m gonna call th’ coppers. There ain’t no weapons allowed in here. Ya need to leave ‘afore ya get ya’self killed human!”[/color] [color=f7976a]“No, don’t!” [/color]The wealthy Cajjinx grabbed the waitress’s arm, stopping her from striding over to the holophone. [color=0072bc]“Oh Bart’s also wanted here.” [/color]Jean explained.[color=0072bc] “Even in Cajjy space he’s a hunted man. Smart of you to come here by the way, it was like number fifty on my list of where I’d find you sulking."[/color] [color=f7976a]“Just bring us drinks.” [/color]The wealthy Cajjinx urged. [color=f7976a]“I’ll handle him.” [/color]He said this final part a little louder, and through the smoke gloom a few of the nearby Cajjinx miners began taking an interest in the goings on at the bar. Jean didn’t seem to notice, instead focusing his attention on the Cajjinx seated next to him, his pistol kept pointed at the Cajjinx’s groin. [color=0072bc]“So, Barty, Barty, my Bart. You’ve been a bad boy as of late. Your wanted alive, and my what a bounty.” [/color]Jean gave a low whistle, settling back into his bar stool. [color=0072bc]“So, remind me. What’s it you’ve been doing that’d get you such a high price to see you locked away for good?” [/color] [color=f7976a]“Smuggling…” [/color] [color=0072bc]“And?” [/color] [color=f7976a]“Money laundering…”[/color] [color=0072bc]“And…?” [/color] [color=f7976a]“…”[/color] [color=0072bc]“Nothing else ya wanna to admit too, that’s all ya did wrong? But I know better, sneaking hundreds of untraceable kredits ya stole from hard working folk back on system Juplif wasn’t enough for ya was it. No, of course not. You had to go an’ murder Detective Vincent while ya were about it too!” [/color] Bart slammed his fist down on the bar a look of horrified anger. [color=f7976a]“You have no proof of that Sheriff! I didn’t murder the detective, he died from an accident that was tragic and unavoidable. Your own personal vendetta against me is bad enough, but I will not stand by and be accused of crimes I didn’t commit!” [/color] [color=0072bc]“Ya murdered him, and I’ll prove it too!” [/color] The two men seemed about to go to blows, guns aside when the waitress returned with two whisky glasses which she set down beside them. Jean reached for his with his free hand downing it in a single gulp. The waiter lass gave a slight giggle, which Jean, still angry from his confrontation with Bart snapped at. [color=0072bc]“What are ya guffawing ‘bout?” [/color] [color=ec008c]“Nothin’, sorry mister. I ain’t laughing at nothin’.” [/color] Jean turned back to Bart, sizing the Cajjinx up and down. Slowly he raised the pistol until it pointed straight between the alien’s eyes. [color=0072bc]“Come clean you son of a bitch, you murdered Detective Vincent.”[/color] [color=f7976a]“No. I. Didn’t. Don’t think you can sentence me to your gallows so easily Sheriff. I know your rules, if you bring me in dead ya don’t get your reward. You’re a dirty cop trying to strike it rich. Accuse me of what you want, you’ll never get that out of me!” [/color] [color=0072bc]“You’re talking mighty bold for someone who just wet himself Bart.” [/color] [color=f7976a]“And you’re talking mighty bold for someone who’s outnumbered and outgunned.” [/color]It was Bart’s turn to smile defiantly as the clicks of many hammers and bolts being drawn back sounded all around. The waiter lass laughed aloud this time, and many others joined her in the chorus of good humor. Jean on the other hand looked stony faced. [color=0072bc]“Things’ll be worse for ya if’n ya kill a lawman Bart. Tell ya boys to back off.” [/color] [color=f7976a]“You forget where we are Sheriff, this ain’t Tejaxs. This here is Cajjy space and you’re not welcome round these parts.”[/color] [color=0072bc]“Bet’cha I could shoot six of y’all ‘afore I go down. Includin’ you Bart. Wanna test my iron?” [/color]Jean, clearly grasping at straws began to slowly stand, the iron sights of a dozen weapons following his movements. [color=f7976a]“No, not at all.” [/color]Bart agreed, rising with the cornered Sheriff. [color=f7976a]“Which is why you’ll have to search for your jackpot elsewhere. Lest you make the same mistake as the good Detective. Accidents are bound to happen to the foolhardy. My boys’ll escort you out Sheriff.” [/color] A low growl rumbled in Jean’s throat but he had no other choice. Keeping his pistol centered on Bart’s face in an attempt to maintain the tiny bit of control he had left over the situation he began to back away. [color=0072bc]“I’ve been in tighter spots before Barty, Detective Vincent will get his justice. And all y’all get yours too.” [/color]Jean took a step and suddenly swayed like drunken man, as if he was struggling to stay balanced. The Cajjinx miners tensed a hairs-breadth away from shooting the Sheriff dead, thinking this was some kind of ploy to catch them off guard. [color=f7976a]“What th’ Hell is wrong with you?”[/color] Bart said at last, once it became clear this was no trick. [color=f7976a]“One glass o’ whiskey did that to ya?” [/color] [color=ec008c]“He drugged!” [/color]The waitress lass crowed, having been about to burst from keeping secret her own play in the dangerous game. [color=ec008c]“I put it in his drink, he’s helpless, hahaha!” [/color] Jean Wylder gave the waitress one last look of pure fury before succumbing to the drug’s effects and toppling to the dirty floor. The Cajjinxes joined in with the waitress’s laughter, and even Bart, despite his soiled under garments joined in. [color=f7976a]“I suppose I’m lucky to have such a smart and beautiful friend.”[/color] He quipped planting a kiss on the waitress’s fuzzy head. The lass’s many arms quivered and she hugged the Bart close. [color=ec008c]“I’ll be your friend long as ya keep paying for drinks mister.” [/color] [color=8dc73f]“Wot should we do with him?”[/color] One of the Cajjinx miners asked, kicking at Jean’s limp body. The Sheriff was very much still conscious. He’d lost all control of his body, and try as he might no amount of will power could convince even his little finger to move. [color=f7976a]“I don’t care,”[/color] Bart said distracted, having become very interested in the waitress all of a sudden. [color=f7976a]“Take him outside, rough him up a bit and toss him off a bridge. Find some way to get rid of him, he’s spoiling the atmosphere. Just don’t been seen by any law enforcement. Remember I’m still a wanted man ‘round here.” [/color] Three of the drunker Cajjinx, jumping at the chance to off the Sheriff stepped forward assuring they would handle it. Taking Jean by his hair and arms they dragged him outside onto the filthy street and proceeded to do just that…