[hr][hr][center][h1][color=8E0331]Jacqueline Croix[/color][/h1][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/46/f4/b5/46f4b5e47585919064aa8a09ddb866cc.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Newhope - Lady Luck[/center] Jackie sipped her drink before Fitz spoke. She expected the boy to be put off by her shenanigans at this point. Hell, she would be tired after hearing her. As truthful as her words were, she figured the boy to be taken aback by the fact she had killed before and would do so again. It wasn't anything new. She didn't have many friends. She wasn't expecting or looking for any either. And then Fitz spoke. And it was like her heart grew three sizes that day. Or maybe that was indigestion? Either way, she hoped it passed. Still, she was touched that Fitz expressed his fondness for her. She nearly spat out her drink, but she coughed it down. She looked over at the boy. It was honesty in its purest form. Truly, this baby needed someone like her in his life. For good or ill. [color=8E0331]"Fitz, that was probably the most sickening fucking thing I have ever heard. Thank you! If anyone, from this point on, ever tries to fuck with you, Fitz my boy, you tell me, and I will take care of it. That is a promise worth more than gold."[/color] She even forgot for a second that she was debating about joining this crew. Needless to say, if Fitz joined, she joined too. However, things kicked off rather quickly as Captain Ballcruncher knocked over Daisy Ditz. It would have shocked her, but she was pretty much expecting the Captian to go off at some point. Call it intuition, but it only made Jackie like her more. She wasn't about to get involved, but since she figured they weren't going to be playing the game anymore, she stood up too. She fingered (giggity) her guns, on the off chance things took a sharp turn, but she wasn't about to stop this from happening. Perhaps Daisy Ditz deserved it. It was the Captain's right, after all. She did, however, make her way over to Fitz in a protective mom kind of way. She meant what she said. No one would be fucking with him. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=D8899B]Mei Qiáo[/color][/h1][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/831eedf412a514512e0dc548a3f2b35a/tumblr_nnw3ogF61s1ra5f55o2_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Newhope - Lady Luck[/center] Mei had been silent, slinking off and following those that left the table. She didn't get any useful information off of them and she cursed herself. It was becoming a hassle. But there were no other Alliance vessels and she couldn't wait for the next one to dock. She had to be proactive. She heard the Chinese words being thrown about that the card table and looked just in time to see one of the girls falling over. The other woman in the duster jacket stormed over and drew her gun, pointing it at the woman's head. It was only a matter of time before things escalated. Mei figured this was as best an opportunity as she would get. Mei recognized the other woman at the table. She was the one that shot her. She had been doing her best to avoid her, in case she got the idea to shoot her again. Now, more than ever, it was best to get involved. Worse case scenario, she was shot. Best case, she got her information. She made her way over, jumping around everyone at the bar now watching the scene until she got near the woman. She had her gun in her hand and she got right behind her in the midst of the commotion. She whispered to her, [color=D8899B]"You remember me, yes? I will look past the gun shot in the leg seeing as there are bigger problems right now. I will help control this situation and save the woman on the ground. After that, I wish to speak to your captain. Words only, that is all."[/color]