[centre][h2][color=f6989d]Honey Miller[/color][/h2][/centre] [centre]Interacting with:[@Agent 47][/centre] Honey let out a deep breath as she stood outside of the grand school, which was more of a castle. She was alone because her parents had an urgent matter to attend to, but Honey was used to traveling and being by herself. However the change of plans did mean that she arrived a little later than the other students, which she hated. Honey didn't like being the center of attention, and surely being the last student to walk in would draw attention. She walked into the main office with her suitcase behind her, and recieved her room number. She was told that further instructions would be waiting for her in the kitchen area and to settle in because classes start in a few hours. Honey found the kitchen area and saw only a boy who looked her age eating breakfast. She was never really good at socializing with kids her age, but she had to suck it up; a real spy can adapt to any situation. She walked up to him and released her grip on her suitcase to hold out her hand to the boy, [color=f6989d]"Hi, I'm the new student here."[/color] Honey tried not to let her southern Louisiana accent show but it was hard to hold it back, [color=f6989d]"Nice to meet you. I'm Honey"[/color]. She gave him a nervous smile, but still kept her introduction quite serious. She wasn't sure how laidback the students here were. She looked around for other students but saw none and realized that they all must still be asleep. [i]I guess teenagers really do like to sleep late. Typical.[/i] [color=f6989d]"So someone in the office said that there were instructions in the kitchen, any ideas on where they might be?"[/color]