[@Didgeridont] I actually don't entirely disagree with a lot of that. The artist can do much better, I'd show off more of his better work if you were curious/or we're particularly interested in rap. I'd be curious to know if you any particular trap rap that you'd find particularly well made/lyrically compelling? It almost seems purposefully created to be dumbed down entertainment. [@Heat] Harsh vocals, so few people like metal on this site. I guess I'll do my civic duty. I've only really listened to Dissociation as a whole and it was just hard to really parse all in one go. I wasn't really sure what I'd rate it, or whether I liked the album or not. I even listened to this song twice, 2nd time looking at the lyrics. And the lyrics certainly don't help with understanding exactly what anything is about. The guitar riff was enough to keep me engaged with it, I didn't dislike any part of the song. It's still a band that though I recognize their talent, it's hard to really sink my teeth into their music. Was enjoyable though. 7/10 I'm not sure if I liked this album as much as his previous two, but I can't deny that it's still not enjoyable. Sorry, you'll need to give this one some of your time. Hopefully you enjoy the ride. (you can turn it off after the static around 6:20. Can you tell it's an album closer? :D) [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfL5Ke-PYW4[/youtube]