[h1][center][color=gold] Leanne Hillcrest [/color][/center][/h1] [@Rune_Alchemist] [hr] [b][center][i]9:10 A.M. Gym Class[/i][/center][/b] The brown-haired girl had been a bit distracted from her little snowball of a roommate for a moment, as one of the other students, someone she hadn't recognized seeing before today at all, began to mouth off like some kind of jerk. Whining that Mr. Manilow was a hobo, and getting into an argument by insulting one of the other girl who tried to stand up for the man, even seeming to provoke one of the Air element kids who snap at her for her shoddy behavior. It was disgusting how that girl was acting, and a bit too reminiscent of back home to a certain extent that Leanne kept her trap shut, lest her emotions potentially come barreling out like the other girl's had with the shriek whilst screaming the word "princess" at the visibly pompous and arrogant new person. Many of the students here had been nice, especially among perhaps a few of the other Darkness kids like her who had seen some crap probably worse than hers, but all in all she hadn't been pushed to feel anyone here was like....well, "them", the people who had given her hell back home. So really, this new girl was already pushing more buttons on more people than perhaps she realized, hmm? Leanne lightly bit her bottom lip a bit to try to control the thoughts that had managed to catch her off-guard in this instance. Had she prepared herself like she had when first coming here, then she could have shrugged it off better. However, the taste of iron in her mouth pulled Leanne back into reality, her bottom lip now bleeding a little bit into her mouth due to where she was biting it. Nothing too serious, but potentially in need of first aid. Sighing at the matter inwardly as the shock allowed her to reign herself in, Leanne looked back over at her white-haired roommate once more, her bottom lip being held in a little to try to hide the bleeding before reaching over with a hand to ruffle Eir's head in an affectionate manner, though as such to try not to wake the sleeping gamer as well. Not that the messy girl would perhaps mind, perhaps? Eh, with Eir it could vary. If she was perhaps sleeping hard, then perhaps she'd be grumpy if Leanne had to place a guess on the matter. Then again, that shriek could have done the waking already. She was glad she had found her little friend here, though. She...really was for personal reasons. However, with the escalation of things, she was not going to try to down the gym teacher right now. Not when her gut gave her the feeling she needed to back off a bit at the moment until things were stopped or cooled down. [hr] [h1][center][color=crimson] Diana Schwarzwald [/color][/center][/h1] [center] [b][i]9:10 AM[/i][/b] Gym Class[/center] [@Kalleth][@Spriggs27][@Arya10108909][@Old Amsterdam][@Stern Algorithm] [hr] The redhead had moved to the side as the others had tried to get him down thus far, grinning outwardly at the display. However, her face spoke not of arrogance or a bemused pity for those who had failed thus far, but rather for a bit of joy that they were trying and a growing eagerness for her "turn at bat" as the phrase might go in American baseball. She already had ideas floating around within her mind, ranging from a well-placed fireball to walking over and heating up the bars until he had to get off. It was all in good fun, and yet for her the mood of the jovial attempts by some of the other students, and the hesitating attempts by others perhaps learning to stand on their feet when it came to power usage, came to a screeching halt when a notably new girl to probably the school itself began belting out insults about the teach and other students overall. From the low blow towards Dia, whom she recognized the name of due to her boyfriend, to her pitiful arrogance that seeped into every word that came out of her mouth, to shaking rudely off another girl's attempt to respectfully reprimand her, to her attitude having already set off one student with a shriek of "princess" at the end of that student's words, it had managed to do something she usually held back with for people like this: get on her nerves. Though her hot temper flared into life, her stubborn self held it back with a dam made of adamantine at the moment, as she knew in her gut that if this prick girl who probably just got here responded it might start some more serious shit. Fast. Very fast indeed. And people did not need to get burned, shocked, stabbed, frostbitten, or otherwise for this crap. Silently, Diana walked over to where the shouting and shrieking girl and the little prick were standing. Without a word, she put her hands between the two, aiming at shoving the shouting girl back lightly as if to just make her give some distance, but her other arm aiming for shoving the prick girl with a roughness that would perhaps inevitably (at least in Diana's mind) set her off even more. Regardless of the results of this, she then stepped between the screaming girl and the prick all the same, looking overt at Dia with a sense of compassion, then to Felix, then to ShiZen, then back at the shouting girl over her should, before looking down at Kris herself with an overbearing aura that seemed to be a mix of "i don't gave a shit about your status" and "you aren't worth using my powers on". [color=crimson]"You really shouldn't be worth my time, but seeing as you want to mouth off to everyone and try to make a scene or an excuse to get people riled up, i think i can make an exception,"[/color] the German girl said, staring dead into Kris' eyes with no ounce of backing down, grabbing the girl by her collar with her left hand and hefting her up off of the ground without breaking a single sweat so she could look up at her, [color=crimson]"Your little attitude can stop right now, and you can sit and sulk over this while everyone else tries to enjoy things before someone else fires off like the person standing behind me. You don't have to like it, you don't have to respect anyone. But you can shut up. Or if that does not work, there is what i like to call 'Option Two'. I can take my fist and plant it so far up your worthless-ass, spoiled-rotten-sounding face a good few times over. Then it might jolt your pewee brain under that thick skull of yours into some common sense of decency."[/color] [color=crimson]"It's your choice, really, but i think the former is going to be a hell of a lot better than the latter. Besides, my fists are all you are worth right now, not even worth an atom of my powers being used in even your general direction. But if you want to use them i'll just say you chose option 2 and let the fun begin! So what will the choice be today for ya, [i][u][b]sweetheart[/b][/u][/i]?"[/color] These type of people, she could not stand these types of people. On their high horse, mouthing off to everyone without thinking of the consequences, probably living off of daddy's money like it was going out of style, potentially sent here to get her ass in gear before she used her element without thinking or training to do something even dumber that no one would be able to bail her out of. Did she know this girl? Heck no. Had she gotten to know her? No. Did she give every warning flag and stereotypical sign of an asshole spoiled kid who felt themselves higher than the "commoners" below them? Indeed, she did to a "T" for the German girl. So she was going to give this girl a chance, one chance to shut her trap, avoid the other students flaring up their powers at her since they were all damned first years, and sit in her sulking corner and keep her trap shut. Of course, letting icy girl's boyfriend or others step in was all-too tempting as well, since that might have the same effect. But why have another peer get tied up in needless violence, when she could just level a dead-serious threat to try to get her to shut up right now before anyone else did something drastic, emotional, and utterly stupid. At least with 'Option Two' she might reduce the amount of people in trouble as well. Or, if that failed, the teacher would have to stop her if this girl was going to avoid a black eye on her first day. Still, it could be a good first lesson in manners for her around people in general, as it were, with how she sounded right now. Haha!