[center][color=E0FFFF][h2]Auriola[/h2][/color][/center] [color=E0FFFF][b]"Happy...what could this day be called? Devil-Day? Demonbirthday? No, all too ominous..."[/b][/color] Auriola pondered quietly, spreading a layer of powdered sugar onto the double layered chocolate icing-stuffed sponge cake she'd been making since classes ended. A blank expression rested on the artificial humanoid's face as she thought on what to write on the top in vanilla frosting...perhaps simply "Welcome Nora" would suffice, but it still bothered her that she didn't have the creativity for a new holiday for inducting new peerage members. From what Ixveria had described, it seemed the new girl had a rough time with her death...dying by one's own manifesting power winds up being a confusing mess the day you're resurrected. Simply writing out "Welcome!" in the creamy white frosting, Auriola felt that cake would be satisfactory...though she'd have to make sure everyone got a piece before Ixveria. Usually her piece wound up being about half the cake for just the sugar...it honestly surprised her how eager she'd be to suck down something even with powdered sugar on top. That aside, the robotic maiden's hair suddenly pulled up into two twin tails, her right arm's mass congealing into a giant metallic blade, sharpened to perfection. [color=E0FFFF][b]"Hehe...Just leave this to me~"[/b][/color] she chimed happily, personality suddenly shifted to that of a bubbly schoolgirl who just happened to be a death bot. Now that the Chastity Driver was active, her gargantuan sword arm slowly descended upon the cake, her tongue pushed out of her lips and up as she concentrated. If she could sweat, she would be right about now. With the platter only SLIGHTLY cracked in half, Chastity Auriola beamed, sword arm transforming back to normal as she put her hands on her hips. [color=E0FFFF][b]"Mm! Mhm! Absolutely perfect! Nora's gonna live it~"[/b][/color] she said, before her hair suddenly fell back into its straight style. [color=E0FFFF][b]"Operation complete.[/b] [/color]she said, starting to place the pieces of perfectly sliced cake onto plates.