[color=f7941d] [h2] [centre] Victor Henson [/centre] [/h2] [h3] [centre] Friday Night >>> Central Point [/centre] [/h3][/color] [color=f7941d]“Cuban?”[/color] what an odd description, this man didn’t seem like the racist type but one could never really tell sometimes. Victor smiled at Joseph when Olivia offered for him to join them, [color=f7941d]“You should come with us, tell us what inspired that unique suit of yours.”[/color] He wasn’t trying to be mean even if it might have come off that way. He was never all that good at social interactions some times. The man didn’t realize it, not at first anyway. Olivia seemed distant trailing off with her ever softening words, until finally she fell. He wasn’t fast enough to catch her, even though he tried. He was looking forward making sure their path was still clear when she mentioned sitting down and by the time he looked down at her she was already falling. The tall man didn’t hesitate his instincts kicked in, and he was at her side checking her pulse, and monitoring her breathing. Victor didn’t have any idea what could bring on this issue, she didn’t drink anything before this, but he didn’t see her eat that much either. The medical possibilities raced through his head as he stared at the unconscious girl. A rather young and spunky looking girl said she would try to find help and left without him getting a word in, some other bystanders had stopped to look or watch even offer assistance. Victor simply told them to give them some room while he dialed the emergency line on his cell phone, [color=00aeef]“This is dispatch what’s your emergency”[/color] a monotone female voice came over the phone while he continued to monitor the girl, [color=f7941d]“I need paramedics to the north-eastern entrance to the Central point ball area for a Female, early twenties, that passed out and fell.”[/color] He relayed the information to the girl on the other end of the phone, he could hear her typing in information on a keyboard. [color=f7941d]“The female did not hit her head, she is unresponsive with a slow heart rate and slow and deep breaths. No seizure and no alcohol or drug consumption” [/color]The dispatcher continued to type before speaking again, [color=00aeef]“can I get your name sir?”[/color] Victor continued to watch over Olivia while he spoke again, [color=f7941d]“my name is Victor Henson.”[/color] The dispatcher chimed in one more time, [color=00aeef]“Alright sir, Paramedics are on their way and should be there shortly.” [/color]A sigh escaped the man, “[color=f7941d]Thank you, I’ll call you back if her condition changes[/color]” he hung up his phone and continued to watch her. [@Rabidporcupine][@Poi]