[@Natsu] Okay, actually I am finding problems with the Cs now that I am reviewing it. 1) You didn't remove the instructions for Fears 2) You added a new fear. Which there are two issues for that. 1, he did die for real but I won't even touch that for a full debate because there isn't one. Death is dead, he is dead. 2, you are supposed to copy over the parts as they were NOT add more unless it is required due to a difference in the CS. 3) Eyes are supposed to have colors AND shape 4) Hair is missing texture and length 5) Personal style is supposed to be a minimum of 2 well developed paragraphs 6) You added to his personality, it has to be reverted to what it was for DTB (Not to mention you are saying how he will react to death which can be left up to LLA to determine how much he freaks out or not when he arrives - as has happened for several of the new arrivals.) 7) You changed his hobbies.... Has to go back to original DTB sheet I THINK That is everything though because of the changes made from the original CS to the Paradox one I will be asking my other Emendators to go over it as well to see if I missed anything. So currently, the CS is denied until the edits are made and it is resubmitted properly.