[hider=Lucas Myers] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=6AA16A][center]Lucas Myers[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/35100000/dage-franco-dave-franco-35198654-500-250.jpg[/img] [b][color=6AA16A]”Nobody looks back in life and remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep.”[/color][/b][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=6AA16A][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6AA16A]Name:[/color][/b] Lucas Alexander Myers [b][color=6AA16A]Aliases:[/color][/b] Luke, Xander, Lukey, Myers [b][color=6AA16A]Age:[/color][/b] 27 [b][color=6AA16A]Birthday:[/color][/b] April, 24th [b][color=6AA16A]Ethnicity:[/color][/b] Scottish [b][color=6AA16A]Birth Place:[/color][/b] Edinburgh, Scotland [b][color=6AA16A]Place of Residency:[/color][/b] Los Angeles [b][color=6AA16A]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=6AA16A]Education:[/color][/b] Medical School [b][color=6AA16A]Occupation:[/color][/b] Bartender at The Abbey in West Hollywood [b][color=6AA16A]Languages:[/color][/b] English [center][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/145598096/original.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=6AA16A][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6AA16A]Height:[/color][/b] 5’ 9” [b][color=6AA16A]Weight:[/color][/b] 150 lb. [b][color=6AA16A]Body Type:[/color][/b] Lucas is muscular and toned, but he maintains a slim body. [b][color=6AA16A]Eye Color:[/color][/b] Brown [b][color=6AA16A]Hair Color:[/color][/b] Brown [b][color=6AA16A]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] White [b][color=6AA16A]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] A realistic tiger face with pastel watercolors surrounding it lays along his chest and cascades into his upper, left shoulder. [b][color=6AA16A]Personal Style:[/color][/b] Lucas is a man that sports several different styles depending on the seasons, the weather, and his moods. Blessed with a body that doesn’t require strenuous exercising to maintain a toned, masculine figure, he goes from one extreme of pure laziness that brings out his grey sweatpants, plain hoodie, and casual nike shoes to the other in which dresses him in wrinkle-free khakis, a nice sweater or button up, with shined dress shoes. Although, ever since he began medical school, his days normally consist of him wearing his ‘lazy’ clothes. Even when he goes out, he’ll usually sport a leather jacket over a white shirt, plain jeans, and casual boots or sneakers. Lucas does his hair most of the time, or lets it lay flat on his forehead, depending on how much time he has in the morning or if he’s trying to impress somebody. With a strict skin-care regiment, his complexion is clean, spotless, and well-moisturized, adding to his clean-cut look, despite his clothing choices. [center][img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2aac84tTs1rrhykgo2_250.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=6AA16A][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=6AA16A][center][color=green]Protective[/color] * [color=red]Gullible[/color] * [color=green]Intelligent[/color] * [color=red]Competitive[/color] * [color=green]Kind[/color] * [color=red]Promiscuous[/color][/center][/color][/i] [b][color=6AA16A]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Bisexual [b][color=6AA16A]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Single and readily mingling [b][color=6AA16A]Personality:[/color][/b] Lucas is a man with a big heart, seeking to only make others happy and comfortable. Although he’s considered a plethora of terms ranging from senselessly foolish to undeniably brilliant; to know him is to know his kind, meaningful mannerisms, but also his spontaneous, daredevil spirit. Lucas will be at last night’s craziest party, but also be succeeding in a long, strenuous class the next morning. While he’d wish to be liked by most, he really finds himself competing with uptight classmates or bickering with the frat guys. Despite his failing attempts at making friends, once he reaches the point of friendship, he’ll confide just a little bit too much in them while matching it with an overprotective nature. Small as he is, his backbone is made of steel and he won’t go down or be belittled without a fight. After breaking through such a thick, exterior wall to mask his true feelings, Lucas will get emotional and quiet. His life has always been guided with role models and generous, kind people, but it has left him with feelings of unworthiness beneath all his gratitude that he stresses to express. To get through to Lucas and his emotional side would require an individual that he would see fit to trust with his life. [b][color=6AA16A]Habits:[/color][/b] Lucas has a habit of getting too close to people when he’s talking to them, usually giving a faint touch when he’s talking to them. Lucas also has habits of: talking out loud, singing whatever song is stuck in his head, or being restless — shaking his leg or tapping his fingers on any surface. [b][color=6AA16A]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Lucas’ hobbies include: playing guitar and singing, listening to music, researching weird surgical stories, reading romance novels, making fancy drinks, and partying. [b][color=6AA16A]Fears:[/color][/b] [list][*] Letting someone die in his presence or while performing surgical procedures. [*] Being alone [*] Heights[/list] [b][color=6AA16A]Likes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Music — both playing and listening [*] Coffee in the morning — the smell, the taste, the feeling [*] Learning about medical practice [*] Making people happy [*] Hot baths [*] Romance[/list] [b][color=6AA16A]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Inconsiderate people [*] Slow drivers & traffic [*] Being lied to [*] Rumors about himself [*] Cheaters — all kinds of them [*] Sore losers[/list] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/m2f84JdkTO7Ac/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=6AA16A][center]Skills[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=6AA16A]General Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Medical terminology & practice [*] Anatomy [*] Retaining information [*] Surgical experience [*] Physiology [*] Strategic [/list] [b][color=6AA16A]Combat Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Skill with handguns and rifles [*] Mild hand-to-hand combat [/list] [b][color=6AA16A]What Do They Carry On Them:[/color][/b] [list][*] Clothing - Dark wash jeans, a slim-fit, white t-shirt, a black, leather jacket, dark brown, casual boots. [*] Wallet - A beat-up, black, Calvin Klein wallet holds his: driver’s license, school ID, a picture of his birth parents and him at age 8, a debit card, a credit card, a few U.S. dollars, and coupons to a local pizzeria [*] Keys - On his keys are his: Toyota Prius car keys, a keychain that has an image of Scotland’s flag, his apartment keys, a laniard that represents UCLA, and a key to his friend’s apartment [*] Pistol - Lucas conceals a Glock 19 pistol ever since the gain of his powers that created a sense of paranoia to him. [*] Knife - Lucas created a contraption in his boot to conceal and stow a combat-grade knife. [*] A backpack - In his backpack, he carries pencils, pens, textbooks, notebooks, and random papers from his classes. He carries his macbook air and a charger for his phone and his laptop. He also carries a first aid kit that has basic tools for emergencies. [/list] [b][color=6AA16A]Possessions at Home:[/color][/b] [list] [*] A large television that sits in front of a cheap sofa [*] A PS4 console [*] A desktop computer [*] A car that is parked in the apartment parking garage [*] A desk full of papers and pencils with a desk lamp [*] Framed pictures of him and his aunt and uncle, and also pictures of him with friends [*] A Keurig [*] Bar-tools and fancy drinking glasses [*] A wine cooler [*] A guitar [*] An electric piano [/list] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/dqmsYsoJe6LC/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][color=6AA16A][center][i]History[/i][/center][/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=6AA16A]Biography:[/color][/b] How does a man such as Lucas Myers generate such a ditsy, optimistic personality? Lucas was an accident, his parents never really wanting to have children until they had their traveling fix in life, but they eventually had begun to see Lucas as a blessing. Growing up, his real parents were travelers, wanderers, perhaps referred to as gypsies, creating Lucas’ carefree spirit and boasting demeanor. To add to their many different titles, they were born musicians and busked for a living, save from the occasional gig that they would book to buy a nice dinner for the night. This lifestyle was enjoyable, although minimalistic. They didn’t have a lot and they survived in a driving trailer that they stationed from city to city within Scotland. Lucas picked up all sorts of talents from an early age from being surrounded by a lifestyle that invited all forms of artistic, free nature. Living was easy, especially when all you know is what you have. Lucas grew very close to his parents, spending nearly all his days with them and being stuck in a trailer with them all the time. His father was also a skilled hunter and taught Lucas several survival skills and showed him how to use a rifle. His mother was caring and very spiritual, meditating each morning before whipping out her guitar to play tunes along the roads. It would seem as if Lucas was destined to have a lifestyle similar to his parents, given that he wasn’t able to stay in one location for a long period of time. It wasn’t long before Lucas should begin school, but the wanderer spirits of his parents had trouble staying in one place to ensure a consistent education for Lucas. Learning became difficult and stressful for Lucas, especially since he really enjoyed everything about school. For several years, he would live attending different schools until summertime would hit, and they would be all over the country again. Upon reaching the age of ten years old, his close aunt Jane came into the picture. His aunt and his mother were very different, but showed many similarities in terms of their appearance. His mother being a traveling musician really contrasted his aunt’s professional, business-like aunt. After many discussions, they finally came to an agreement in that Lucas would travel to the United States to ensure a successful education so he can truly flourish and let his natural intelligence shine. Being welcomed into a home of success and luxury, Lucas found it hard to leave his parents and jump into a life leading to opportunity and education. While he was a very bright child, he missed his old ways with his joyful, carefree parents. Day after day, he would eventually find comfort in his new lifestyle before picking up other hobbies to mask the bittersweet sadness that he would have from leaving his home. His parents visited once a year, but it was never the same since they didn’t have the bus or the country roads. Instead, growing up on the outskirts of LA gave him a culture shock, demanding him to adapt to the busy, cutthroat nature of Los Angeles. As years past, Lucas would succeed in high school and acquire several friends and acquaintances that invited him to all sorts of parties. Once he reached of age, he began to roam the streets of Hollywood and jump from club to club until it was time to get into the school routine again. Amidst the partying and the fun, Lucas picked up an interest in medical practices, choosing to use his ability to learn to study medical sciences in hopes to become a very successful doctor. Gaining a protective trait over the years, it’s been a dream of his to finally be put in the position where he can save lives and be granted the great satisfaction in doing so. During his time in medical school, Lucas grew extremely sick and he was worried he contracted some sort of incurable disease or some cancerous illness. Spending weeks within the hospital was normal to him, but on the bed itself was not a perspective to be remembered. The pain and the suffering he endured during the illness was unbearable and he began to lose hope that he would get better. It was out of the blue in which Lucas’ body began to rejuvenate and fight off whatever sickness or virus that infiltrated his body. Days began to go by like normal, but instead he would begin to see people at random times, and in random places. This is what spawned Lucas’ faint paranoia, causing him to get back in the shooting range and firing guns again like when he was in Scotland. As the days went on Lucas began to acquire inhuman abilities — superpowers. While the regular person would be thrilled and amazed, Lucas couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable and restless. The people he saw came more often and then an event of some sort of precognition occurred as well. Lucas became more distant towards others, and kept to himself without telling anybody his given situation. He now seeks answers, but doesn’t know where to go or who to turn to. [b][color=6AA16A]Discovery Of Your Power:[/color][/b] As any storyteller's goal, they would wish to paint a picture as best as possible, so that the reader's mind will be able to escape reality and envision whatever it is that they put into words. For Lucas, the discovery of his powers came from just that -- indulging himself a little too much in a book to escape reality, until what he imagined became fabricated. For Lucas, this was first described as amazing -- extraordinary, even. The descriptive words and Lucas' combined focus would form realistic apparitions, but it became hard to control. First, it was beautiful butterflies, sometimes even gourmet food that would taste, feel, and smell the same, despite it not providing real nutrition or calories, but then it would lead to more darker, incontrollable matters. As a student in medical school, the description of wounds were much necessarily graphic, and that would create an illusion of it's own. The realism of it all didn't just bring fear, but the pain and the symptoms would follow as well. Lucas now limits his mind to imagining and thinking only to an extent to save for the incontrollable illusions. [b][color=6AA16A]Ability & Powers:[/color][/b] Illusion Manipulation - Lucas has the ability to create illusions to his given target, the illusions matching identically to the realistic versions; touch, smell, scent, visual, etc. [b][color=6AA16A]Ability & Powers Weaknesses:[/color][/b] It requires a great amount of control to project full illusions. When channeled for too long, it will cause nose bleeds, eventually leading to him passing out. Lucas' powers will not work on anyone who is a psychic. [center][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/262189638/original.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][color=6AA16A][center][i]Additional Information[/i][/center][/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=6AA16A]Theme Song:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSR6ZzjDZ94]More Than a Feeling//Boston[/url] [b][color=6AA16A]Extra Information:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4507909] Post is here.[/url] — Favorite superpower has to be Quake’s from Agents of Shield [color=red]I agree to follow the rules for this RP and understand that if I do not follow the rules, the GM or Co-GM may kick me out of this roleplay.[/color][/hider]