[h1][color=yellowgreen]Tuatha de Cu[/color][/h1] Normally meeting with the druids was a task. Normally meetings with the druids ended in frustration and shouting. But this hadn't been a normal meeting. In fact, as the Council announced their decision, the Brehin could hardly believe it. A unanimous decision. A unanimous decision is his favour. That was easily one of the last things he expected when he woke up this morning. But there it was - 6 Ayes, 0 Nays. "The signs are all there, my Lord. Your time has come" one of the druids tried to tell him "Indeed. The spirits are with you. We cannot stay like this anymore" The Brehin tried to pick his jaw up off the floor. "W-well, I... I just thought that..." "I know we have disagreed in the past, my liege, but we are but humble interpreters of the Spirits will. This is what they want, after all" Yes, of course. The spirits. He had the spirits blessing? Yes, don't be stupid, that's what they just said. "Th-thank you, gentlemen. I... I hope I don't let you down" "You won't, my Lord. The spirits have revealed this to us." It had been the Brehin's call to end isolation. For the first time, the Cait Sith, the faithful children of Cu, would venture forth and greet the outside world. What would be out there, he wondered, as he dismissed the Druids. Friends? Enemies? Monsters? Treasure? There was only one way to find out... [hider=Summary] [i]A new age is beginning in the Tuatha de Cu. For the first time, the Druids have given the Brehin their blessing to begin interacting with figures outside the jungle.[/i] [/hider]