Aria turned her head slightly as her partner spoke up through their link, her shoulders rising in a minute shrug. [i]I dunno for sure, but if some of them remember Revan it must be a pretty long time, eh? Unless they have some kind of freaky hive-mind memory thing going on.[/i] A shudder of discomfort rippled through the Champion's emotions at that consideration. It wasn't that she was afraid of giant bugs at all, more that trying to imagine any primitive insect-like hierarchy being applied by a more humanoid race was….really strange. She drew her attention quickly back to the other Qyaari as Matt and the Mystics came to a sort of agreement whereby the Voss could give them the information they required if they would simply lend them the Force energies that would allow them to do so. It seemed a fair enough trade, therefore none of the Qyaari hesitated unduly before joining Yerbol and Matthew on the floor, Aria taking a space between Ailel and Cheriss. The floor was icy cold as the Champion settled into her usual meditative pose, prompting another brief shiver before she drew in a deep breath to center herself, allowing her eyes to drift closed under the directions of the speaking Mystic. The sensation that ensued was comparable to drifting off to sleep, if not for the odd collage of images that followed. [i]The images were not as clear as they would have liked (How could they be, after all, recalled from so long ago?), but they were all at once strange and new, and yet familiar at the same time. Brief flashes of some sort of structure….floating above some sort of orb...underwater? Or somewhere else, Aria could not place it. Then again, the same structure? Or at least, parts of it…. floating in what could only be space. Then perhaps, this orb below it was….a planet or a moon? [/i] She couldn't be sure. Her thoughts felt as if they were floating much like the pieces of metal, which she found herself drawn to with an odd sort of rapt fascination...but the longer the images flashed past her, the tighter her chest felt and the faster her heart began to beat. She couldn't make out the words exchanged between the two people, nor their faces in too much detail...the more she tried to study the images in greater detail, the weaker she began to feel until the Champion was jolted violently back into the present, drenched in a cold sweat and lungs screaming desperately for air. Aria was all too happy to oblige, face drenched in a cold sweat as she teetered forward, catching herself on her hands as she gulped shaky breaths to steady herself. At first, the voices seemed faint and far away, and as she tried to sit up again the Champion’s vision swam for a moment, before Ailel’s face came into focus. “She’s alright, she’s coming back.” the blonde Elder spoke over her shoulder to Cheriss, who grunted and muttered: “Good.” the Dathomirian leaned forward, eyes narrowed in contemplation as she studied Aria carefully. “You look a little green around the gills, kid. You feel okay?” “F-Fine...I’m fine.” Aria protested, swallowing in an attempt to rid her mouth of the sour taste that had found its way there. “I just...need a minute.” she waved off Cheriss’ offered hand, not wanting to rise from her position lest she fall flat on her face again the moment she tried. Ailel, however, much like Matthew, was having none of it. The Elder scoffed loudly, grasping the Champion by the shoulder and hauling her to her feet. “Up you get, or you’ll be down there longer than you think.” Aria couldn’t contain the relief that flooded her when Matt suggested they rest for the night, even more so when Cheriss and Ailel conceded that the suggestion was a good one. “Seems a fair course of action, we all have a lot to process.” Ailel nodded. As the Elders began to disperse for the night and Yerbol approached her, she nodded shakily whilst fighting down another surge of bile that threatened to make itself known. “Y-Yeah...I think I’ll be ok.” she mumbled, running a hand through her hair as she leaned slightly against his shoulder for support. “Just feel a little queasy...that was...WEIRD.” It took another hour or so of sitting quietly in the visitors quarters they located (which had thankfully survived any major structural damage, though the same couldn't be said for the decor!), before the feeling of nausea fully abated and Aria felt more like herself again. “What about you? Are you feeling okay?” She frowned at her husband, who settled beside her and gave a shrug of his own. “You still look a bit flushed, guess we both need sleep, huh?” there was a lot to discuss about what the Voss has shown them, but it certainly wasn't anything that couldn't wait until they'd had a good night's rest. _______________ The next morning, the Qyaari reconvened in the same room, since it provided a large enough size for them all to fit into it comfortably and also gave them access to the star map database, should they need to locate any particular planet. Worriedly, Aria noted, Kira was nowhere to be found. “...she'll come back, right?” the Champion asked as she pointed out the Knight's absence. Ailel sighed and shook her head. “Kira just needs time to process things, Aria. She'll be back before we leave, I'm sure.” with that reassurance, the Elder returned them to the discussion at hand, the vision they had all shared. “The two people we saw HAD to be Revan and Bastila...however, it's entirely possible that vision was from many years ago; which puts some doubt to whether they're even still alive, or where it is that they went to. That planet or moon, could be anywhere in the galaxy, perhaps even long since destroyed in the last war.” “It IS still possible.” Aria pointed out. “Renso was even older than Revan, and so were the holograms he left in the temple on Quensu...they said they remembered TRAINING Revan. So if Yerbol and I were able to find and meet with Renso…” the Champion trailed off, hoping she didn’t sound as if she was rambling like a madman. “Aria’s right.” it was a relief to hear Cheriss agreeing with her, accompanied by non-verbal nods of agreement from most of the other Elders. “So, if a thousand-year old Force user could have still been alive for a few years since our orders started collapsing, it’s possible Revan and Bastila have just been out of our radar for this long.” “Still doesn’t solve the mystery of WHERE they went, though, does it?” Ailel pointed out, hands on her hips as she tried to think of a suggestion for their next course of action. “Well, no.” Cheriss agreed, “But between all of us we SHOULD be able to figure it out, I should think.” “It would make sense that it would be somewhere in Wild Space, would it not?” Malu chipped in, as always the Elder to provide the logical sentiment to keep the others on track. “Or else there would have been word of sightings...celebrities as much in the limelight as Revan or Bastila were would not go easily unnoticed in a public place.” “Tell me about it.” Aria muttered wryly, knowing full well that Malu was right. The Champions themselves could scarcely go anywhere without getting recognised, and while for the most part it was nice that their accomplishments were being acknowledged...the attention was most times, very overwhelming. Their WEDDING, for Force sake, had somehow made it onto the HoloNet despite Aria’s initial misgivings on the coverage. She’d come to accept it for what it was, but that didn’t mean she liked it, at all. “Well, we could be here months if we try scanning the entirety of Wild Space from one terminal.” Ailel coughed. “I would suggest we try and return to Zinuthra and make use of the facilities there. It would be far more expedient, and certainly more comfortable for everyone long-term.” "We wouldn't have to scan the WHOLE of Wild Space." Malu protested with a shake of her head. "Only the ones with biomes that might match the one we saw in the vision." "Which could be ANYTHING from rainforest to an entirely water-based planet like Manaan." Cheriss argued. "Far too many options for such a small terminal. Ailel's right, we should head back to Zinuthra before we try and explore this any further or we'll only be going around in circles." “What about Voldon...?” Aria mumbled, the Champion unwilling to leave without addressing the metaphorical Bantha in the room. “....The chances of us shifting enough rubble to get to him, Aria…” Cheriss sighed. “It wouldn’t be practical.” While it stung to think they would have to leave their former leader buried under Force knows how many feet of debris, the Champion could see Cheriss’ point. “I suppose you’re right.” she stuffed her hands into her pockets, shoulders hunched as she stifled an involuntary grumble. “B-But we can still do SOMETHING, right? Put him to rest. Like we did for the others.” Thankfully, the Elders did not protest to the idea, if anything they were all in favour of it. Perhaps it was old superstition after all, but it had been a tradition that Force users had followed for millennia and it held enough merit that it made sense not to break it. After all, the alternative was a restless, disembodied spirit unable to find peace for all eternity...given their recent trip through the Nightmare Lands, Aria fancied she’d had enough of THOSE for a lifetime.