[color=yellow][h2][center]♪♫♪ Cecilia "Cici" Taylor ♪♫♪[/center][/h2][/color] [color=yellow][h3][center]Location: Stellanova City[/center][/h3][/color] [@Zarkun] Lights flickered and pulsed in the dark water, red and yellow, brightening as they rose to the surface. The sea, which resembled the star-filled sky, should have been a breathtaking sight, but Cici looked away and hurried along. They were just Staryus and Lanturns, she knew that, yet they brought back memories of rather different Pokemon, ones that had lured her through the shadows of an enchanted forest with that mesmerising glow... Shuddering, she cradled the little grey kitten. [color=yellow]"Come on, Nocturne. I know cats like to be out and about at night, but it's going to be a big day of exploring tomorrow."[/color] Nocturne, as alert as Cici was exhausted, simply stared ahead at something that glinted in the street lamps. With surprising speed for a hatchling, the Meowth leapt from her trainer's arms and raced forward, batting and pouncing on some dropped bottle caps. Unused to running around, she staggered and tripped over her own paws. [color=yellow]"Easy there, little one!"[/color] Rushing to the cat's side, Cici checked that Nocturne was ok before picking her up. [color=yellow]"You can play once we're at the Pokemon centre. Look, we're nearly there now."[/color] Once inside the building, no sooner had Cici retreated to her room and set out food for her Pokemon that her phone rang. Recognising the number, Cici smiled. It had been quite some time. [color=yellow]"Hey!"[/color] she said as she answered, her tone bright despite her tiredness. [color=yellow]"It's been a while, how's everything going?"[/color] The kitten turned around, eyes narrowing at her trainer's attention being on someone else. With a loud meow, she clambered onto the bed, then onto Cici's shoulder, trying to nuzzle the phone out of the way and purring as if to drown out Tommy's answer. [color=yellow]"Ow! As you can probably tell, the egg hatched,"[/color] the musician added with a chuckle. This Pokemon was going to be a handful. An irresistibly cute handful though, Cici thought, reaching round and petting the little cat. [hider=Cici] [b]TP:[/b] +5 (147) [b]Pokemon Party:[/b] [list][*]Loudred (Forte), male, lv33 (+3) [*]Swablu (Dulcet), female, lv30 (+3) [*]Jigglypuff (Ligeia), female, lv26 (+3) [*]Jangmo-o (Kymbalon), female, lv24 (+3) [*]Litleo (Breig), male, lv14 (+3) [*]Alolan Meowth (Nocturne), female, hatched, lv13 (+6)[/list] [b]Pokemon Reserves:[/b] [list][*]Kricketot (Cadence), female, lv7 [*]Chingling (Allegro), male, lv8 [*]Hoothoot (Tactus), male, lv9[/list] [b]Inventory:[/b] [list][*]Pokeball x4[/list] [b]Rank:[/b] Skilled [b]Organisation:[/b] Helping Hand Guild[/hider] [hr] [hider=CP]+1 (57)[/hider]