Katherine smiled, it was nice seeing Livia lose an arguement of sorts like that. She finished her food as well and stood, following Marise. Their big sister was resourceful and didn't lack in brains like one might think considering she was quite the aesthetic piece of art. [color=green]"What did you say to them, that they paid for our meal? Did extort or blackmail them? Oh dear, our Livia is such a brute."[/color] [hr] [color=ba55d3]"Of course, I am a master of the blade. No thief is a match for my hands."[/color] Himeko stated, resting her hand on her katana again. So they understood her greatness! Of course! Perhaps these guards were not so bad, for humans. Still, they wanted to see Charlotte's cloak. What could she even hide in there? Truth be told, she never cared enough for her outfit to take a look at it. Now she just looked to Charlotte. Did the girl have something hidden in there? Her face kind of said it really. To Himeko at least. She still had the same grumpy face really.