[hider=The Red Knot Clan / Debensfeld] [center][i][h2]The Red Knot Clan[/h2][/i][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/e2PlbTZ.png[/img][/center] [b]Jarl/Chief/King Name & Description:[/b] Erlendr Guðrunarson, Jarl of Debensfeld [b]Alias:[/b] The Swift [b]Government Type:[/b] Petty kingdom [b]Location & Important Holdings:[/b] Debensfeld [img]https://i.imgur.com/QJGZf16.jpg[/img] [list] [*][i]Capital:[/i] Kynnesburg - The capital of Debensfeld and seat of the Red Knot’s power. [*][i]1:[/i] Aldershaven [*][i]2:[/i] Ebbenford[/list] [b]Regional Geography/Resources/Economy Details:[/b] The territory of the Red Knot Clan is located along the west coast of the mainland, encompassing vast plains referred to as the central lowlands. This belt of land stretches from east to west across the mainland, south of the dense Nordland terrain. Many rivers run through its land, snaking from mountains further north out to sea beyond. The largest of these is the Weir, which bisects the province. The region benefits from agricultural, forest and mineral resources. The lowlands contain swathes of fertile soils, in contrast to the forested Nordlands above and the peat-filled bogs below. Many mills take advantage of the Weir and other rivers. These produce flour, lumber, textiles and metal products. [img]http://open.lib.umn.edu/worldgeography/wp-content/uploads/sites/181/2016/04/9297d9ce4498e37fc8c64f4e1a11226d.jpg[/img] [b]Religion:[/b] Each god of the Broken Lands pantheon has worshippers in the Red Knot Clan, but Yorven and Zasha are the highest-regarded of them all. Warriors ride into battle with songs to the Bright God on their lips and decorate their armor with sigils of the sun. Zasha’s name is invoked by farmers and nursemaids alike - fertility both of the fields and of the womb. Debensfeld is regarded as particularly blessed, as the soil is rich in nutrients and well-suited to growing crops. [b]Clan Description:[/b] The Red Knot is a powerful and ancient clan, having dominated the west coast of the mainland for many generations. From this position, it conducts trade with neighboring clans and international powers daring enough to venture this far north. It sustains itself with swathes of arable farmland and industry that capitalizes on water-powered mills. This land, Debensfeld, has been the Broken Isles’ breadbasket for centuries. The clan uses intricate knotwork to distinguish itself, always with red-dyed cord. This practice originated when the clan’s founder, Gaufrid Askelsen, tied a knot to symbolize unity among his subjects. So thick were the layers that by the time he’d finished, the knot could not be cut through with a swordstroke. Over time, the knot took on other meanings - the heart of Debensfeld, the fire of its people, a solar symbol of Yorven. To this day, knot tying is an integral facet of the clan’s culture. The inhabitants of the lowlands have a strong equine tradition, using horses as draft animals, to plow fields, for transit and for warfare. The horses bred by the Red Knot are highly sought after and prized. When the clan marches to battle, it rallies around its heavily-armored riders, plumes of dyed horse hair trailing from their helmets. Originally inspired by the cataphracts of the Salisheds, Debensfelder horsemen are the pride of the clan. [img]https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/11201109_811646035591220_6443695834997124513_o.jpg?oh=06fb90576e91e696fa99638596ee19ab&oe=5AF1974A[/img] [b]Clan History:[/b] To be developed. [b]Important Characters:[/b] [list] [*]Jarl Erlendr Guðrunarson [/list] More to be announced. [b]Non Human Species Descriptions:[/b] To be developed. [b]Relation to other Factions:[/b] [list] [*]The Stonecutter Clan - TBD [*]The Shattered Moon Clan - The Red Knot has a poor relationship with the Shattered Moon. The Shattered Moon envies the Red Knot's arable fields from its boggy homeland. It has mounted incursions into Debensfeld in attempt to take it for themselves, but these have failed. These invasions are contributing factors to the Red Knot's support of the High King and a centralized Broken Isles. The enmity between the clans is further exacerbated by the Red Knot having taken significant part in the subjugation of Gravemire during the unification. [/list] To be developed. [/hider]