The helicopter dipped and turned through the air, as did Bara's stomach, her head resting against the window, eyes glazing over as they stared into the distant skyline. Jail was bad, but at least it didn't take place strapped in the air over sea. Closing her eyes, she hummed deeply in her throat. The stomach pain subsided. A little. On the floor, a huge white mountain dog was curled up at her feet, snoozing as if she couldn't care less. A black harness was settled in her fluffy fur. Bara had the end of the leash tightly wrapped around her wrist. Reminding herself that this was going to be real work, a job from which she can't back out, she figured it may be time to act like she wanted to be here 110%. She did, didn't she? So the teen girl sat up a little straighter and glanced over the other passengers with an expectant but not great smile. "I hope you're all as excited as I am!" If anyone met her eyes, she'd give a polite nod. But otherwise maybe a conversation was a bit too much too early. "It's a bumpy ride, isn't it?" Oh god, this was embarrassing. A red tone crept into her cheeks and she turned her head away. A lot of these people must be hardasses, well trained, experienced, even military. She was probably nowhere near their level, Maniacles only taking her for training if learning this so called magic failed. Maybe these badasses wouldn't take kindly to chirpy banter from an untrained kid.