Mami's stomach lurched. Despite her combat prowess, she was still only fourteen. Her body suffered from space sickness just like everyone else. And right now, Curses were in short supply- she only had ten, good for about two restorations of her Soul Gem. Using magic to keep her from getting a little dizzy and nauseous before a potential fight would be unwise. Mami managed to bear her discomfort so that she didn't show weakness to Sasaki. To him she seemed as calm as ever. His mind immedietly went to battle. He made it clear that Mami were to take the lead on this mission. Sasaki further extrapolated on this, almost outright saying that he was willing to be a pawn for her. "I appreciate your generosity and dedication," she said. "But I would prefer if you used your own judgment. I'm much more used to fighting alone, and occasionally rescuing someone. For now, just stick by me, and if we get into a fight, asses the situation yourself." Mami said this all stoically, not letting Sasaki see that she was getting increasingly nauseous as the jumps continued. As the final jump finished, something truly disgusting appeared through the windows. It [i]was[/i] Union Station... but it's almost as if it were infected by something. Sasaki concluded that it was purely organic, and not magical or mechanical. "But what.... thing, organic or no, could cause this type of destruction in such a short period?" Mami observed a small fleet of escape pods and other craft leaving Union Station. She entered the cockpit, and caught a fowl stench of the pilot's vomit. She gagged for a moment, before instructing the man to dock as soon as was possible. "Prepare yourself. I have no idea what that is, or what it's capable of." Mami stood by the boarding hatch, signalling Sasaki over. Her body glowed yellow for a split second, and her attire changed from a simple school outfit to her Magical Girl form. The door hissed as the docking was complete, and it began opening. Mami stood there, prepared for the worst to jump out at her.