[i]Juniper sat quietly on the edge of a small cliff side, her legs dangling off, swaying back and forth easily. A slight breeze rustled her short black hair, making it wave around the nape of her neck. It felt nice against her skin, and she shut her eyes, breathing in slowly through her nose, simply taking in her surroundings with every sense she had. She could hear water flowing nearby down the rocks of the cliff, animals moving and rustling around, calling out to their fellow friends. She could smell the light from Theonia's suns and it warmed her skin in contrast to the cool air. When she finally opened her eyes again, they gazed down passed her feet, noting the homes and hanging pods, which were used in a similar manner. There were many little villages on her planet like this, and one [url=https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/yakuza-mob-roleplay/images/7/79/Anime-fantasy-waterfall-castle-264820.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150918083914]main city[/url] where the more high tech buildings and things were, named Ozloron. She lived part time in Ozloron, part time in her village, [url=http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/14dd696c-3245-45fb-87c2-29abedf2f38e/18c92aa2-e480-497e-869a-d60a72192df7.jpg]Aslens.[/url] Aslens [url=https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/pandora-the-world-of-avatar-disney-41.jpg?w=960]forests[/url] were gorgeous, filled with creatures of all kinds, bio-luminescent plants and water, peaceful and calm. Turning her head, she saw a brightly colored bird, though tiny at only 3 inches high, chirping toward her. Juniper held her hand out, and the bird moved and jumped into her warm, open palm. [color=f9ad81]"What do you say, Fidget? Should we head home?"[/color] The bird simply stared at her, and chirped a little louder. With that Juniper shifted her weight, jumping forward while kicking off of the cliffs edge and suddenly transformed. Her features went from human to avian, a copy cat version of [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/fc/de/46/fcde4643ddefe6c7da7451899130ce43--exotic-birds-colourful-birds.jpg]Fidget[/url], but bigger. Her hair lengthened and shifted into feathers, her nose and mouth into a small beak, and so on. This only took a few moments, and she was then gliding downward toward Ozloron, Fidget right beside her to keep her company. Her eyes smiled as she gazed down at her home from above, before tilting her tail and upper body downward, dive bombing town toward the forest floor. Just as she neared the ground though, she shifted back into her human form, landing in a run. Fidget landed on her shoulder in the same instant, and Juniper kept up her pace, headed straight for the heart of the city, through the forests, running along a special [url=https://orig00.deviantart.net/dd7f/f/2009/163/1/8/18863c005ac5eac6727d944d00461028.jpg]path[/url] she had created when she was younger, since she spent a lot of her time hiding away there. The closer she got to Ozloron though, the tighter her stomach knotted. Something was wrong. She could smell dust and fire, and hear space vessels hovering around. And not just one of them. The sound was deafening as she entered the city limits, and she turned her gaze upward. Fidget was going crazy on her shoulder, panic in her tone as she chirped. Juniper grabbed the bird carefully and shoved her into a small pocket like area in the side of her dress. [color=f9ad81]"Shh..."[/color] Juniper whispered. Fidget went quiet, and Juniper slowly tried to take in her surroundings, staying half hidden behind a stone wall. She could just barely make out the outline of the ships above her, a giant plume of dark grey smoke masking the sky's true beauty. She noticed the ships weren't in any type of special formation, and they weren't really moving around at the moment. Despite knowing that whoever the ships belonged to, were the ones who were attacking, she couldn't see any specific organization to the assault. Her perfect brows furrowed together, her amber eyes moving back to the area directly in front of her. She needed to make it to the city towers, and find her parents. All Juniper really wanted to do was cry. Her planet had been under attack for some time, and always resulted in casualties. The population on her planet was almost nothing at this point, and through it all she tried to stay strong, hiding and attempting to keep as many people safe as possible. Every attack happened outside of Ozloron though, so she never had an immediate need to worry. Villages could be rebuilt. The city would take much more time, Kredits and effort. Instead of letting herself cry however, Juniper took Fidget from her pocket, and placed her on top of the stone wall. [color=f9ad81]"Find me after. Stay safe."[/color] Juniper then inhaled a deep breath, and shifted into a common creature on her planet, one might consider a [url=https://img00.deviantart.net/76bd/i/2012/166/8/9/a_sketch_of_an_alien_pet_by_dron111-d53jqjx.jpg]"cat"[/url]. Quickly she skittered along the cobblestone, making a bee line directly for the towers. Once she was about a third of the way to the tower, and it loomed over her, she heard another deafening explosion. And it was a little too close for comfort. She snapped her head back over her shoulder and saw the road and buildings behind and around her were blown to bits and on fire, smoke filtering into the air at a rapid pace. She whimpered slightly, and finally neared the main entrance. She shifted back into her human form, brushing dirt and ash from her body and then entered the building. She began to run again to search for her parents, and nearly ran into them as they were likewise running toward her. Her [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/1b/1f/9f/1b1f9f3263440f3c11993a22bf5d63e4--fantasy-girl-fantasy-women.jpg]mother's[/url] hair was in a mess, little beads of sweat dripping off her face. Her [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f1/f9/07/f1f9070bac8819f58839afa334a07829.jpg]father[/url] held her mothers' hand, tugging her along. [color=f9ad81]"Mom! Dad! We need to go down, to the bunkers. C'mon!"[/color] Juniper exclaimed, panic in her voice. Her mother's head piece shifted to the side slightly, and she adjusted it. Her fingers lingering slightly, trying to hide the worry in her face. Juniper took both of their hands and ran as fast as she could with them, down many flights of stairs. The stairs lead under ground, where one decent sized bunker was hidden, in case of situations just as this. Two guards stood outside of a huge thick metal door. It had one window made with bullet, bomb and fire proof material. The guards both nodded, their faces blank and their demeanor unwavering. Juniper shoved toward the door, turning the huge handle and opening it. She stepped inside all the way, turning around to make sure her parents were following, but the last thing she saw was the bunker door slamming shut, her parents faces on the other side for a brief moment before watching as they got crushed beneath the weight and rubble of the towers being blown to bits. She slammed her fists against the bunker door, screaming until her throat was sore, her voice gone. She slid down the door, curling up into a ball on the concrete floor, sobbing silently into her knees. [/i]