Theren Xiloscient For as long as anyone in the village could remember, the monks that lived in the cloister near my home village has protected our forest home, healed our sick, and offered any other aid that the villagers might need. Despite the fact that the monks were of many different mixed races, the good that they have always done for us has made it so that even my people, the Wood Elves, were willing to accept them. In fact, my people were so grateful that over 1000 years ago they began a tradition of every 100 years sending the youngest of the village to be raised at the cloister and given the teachings of the monks. 100 years ago, at the young age of 25, the one chosen for this honor was none other than myself. For 100 years I was raised at the cloister, learning their ways, both in philosophy, religion, and combat. After all, not everyone that has been swayed to a darker path can be stopped or turned aside with words. Sometimes, even good people must take up violence to protect everything that is good and just. My mentors have decided though that now is the time for me to set out on my own Journey, to refine the skills that I have learned, and to come to my own conclusions about the world. Whether or not I return, or even if I choose to continue following the teachings I have learned, are entirely up to me. For now, I have heard of many wrongs that need to be righted in a place called Nightstone. With no specific goal, and no specific destination, that seems like as good a place as any to begin.