[color=a187be][center][h1]Eudaxia[/h1][/center][/color] A gentle hand touched Eudaxia's shoulder, stirring her from her slumber. "Eudaxia?" A gravelly voice asked. She jumped awake with a start, momentarily panicked then relaxed as she remembered what had happened. Dustran was watching her, and the regular rhythm of plodding hooves on cobbles which had lulled her to sleep had stopped. The carriage was stationary. "where are we?" she asked him, rubbing her eyes. She felt better after her rest, but her complaining stomach reminded her only one of her needs had been met. "I regret having to wake you" said Dustran, "but we have arrived at the castle, and Shaemus is waiting." Shaemus. What did these people want from her? He had claimed to want to give her answers, but nothing in life was free. "Alright, lets go." she said, getting down from the vehicle and getting her bearings. They were in a large courtyard surrounded by high walls and the Castle of Lords ahead, its high towers reaching up into the black sky, dark and foreboding. An intimidating structure even when viewed from the distant parts of the city, up close it felt more oppressive than the keep had. She had never been this near. She was technically allowed to visit the rich districts of the city, but seldom did. She'd tried begging there once, when she was new. She'd made a killing from the crowd, and then had been promptly beaten to within an inch of her life in an alley, after a shopkeeper had scolded a watchman for allowing her to sour the scenic street with her presence. "This way, Eudaxia." Dustran lead her through the courtyard, along a cobblestone path that wound around a plot of earth. At one time no doubt a magnificent garden, but now it was bare, mere mushrooms and stunted shrubs the only things that grew. Her mind stinging with memories, she fought down the feelings of awe and at her surroundings. She was under no illusions. Acts of charity did not exist. If they had busted her out, then they needed something, and her magic was the only remarkable thing about her. She followed closely, and decided to try and tease some answers from the man. "I don't mean to be rude, your grace." she said finally. "But why are we here, if we're visiting Shaemus, shouldn't we be at the temple?" "Perhaps if what we discussed was a matter for the priesthood. Alas no. Our business concerns all of Haven." he said. Palace guards, clad in shining steel and holding spears, turned their heads as they passed, no doubt in awe at the sight of the company his grace was keeping. "Besides, I have the impression you may not be quite comfortable in Godsreach." She kept her gaze lowered from the passing guards, aware of how terrible she must look in her state.[i] This is not my world[/i] she thought with distress.[i] I don't know how it works. I don't know how to act.[/i] Left with only more questions after Dustran's cryptic reply, she followed him to the far end of the courtyard, to the south east corner of the castle grounds. There the walls intersected with a high tower, fires burning bright in the windows above. Two guards saluted Dustran as they neared, and opened the double doors with a bow. She hesitated before entering, though the dark interior held no secrets for her eyes. "Why me, your grace." she said finally, as they entered into a large chamber with a high vaulted ceiling hoisted up by pillars and A hearth burning brightly on the left wall before a seating area. On the other side of the room was another set of double doors, and bookshelves ran along the right wall. A servant stood before them with a bowed head. "I just don't understand, what could you possibly want from someone like me?" Dustran turns around to face her, pulling his blue robe back and placing his hands on his hips, some measure of his patience fading. "I sense the power that swirls about you, Eudaxia. I feel the arcane energy but it is wild, untamed, and unfocused. Do not deny it! I am no gaelor or miscreant!" His cool blue eyes bored into her like icicles. She shrivelled before his gaze like it were fire, not ice, saying nothing. He raised his chin with a stern look before spinning around to face the servant. "Garys, bring refreshments for our guest. Have her fitted as well for some clean clothes." "Yes, your Grace. At once!" The servant bowed before disappearing behind the door to the right. Dustran motioned to the seating area by the fire. "Join me, please." She did so, sitting gingerly on the edge of a chair, so she could be closer to the warmth of the fire. Dustran removed his hat, brushing his white hair from his face as he sat down with a sigh. He regarded her for a moment, his demeanour turning kindly, offering a slight smile as he crossed his legs, but saying nothing. He seemed to expect her to start the conversation. "so, um..." she tried, uncomfortable in the silence. "Seeing as you are definitely not, as you put it... 'a gaelor or a miscreant'." she said wearily. "Do you mind me asking who are, your grace?" "How rude of me!" He exclaimed, standing up with a bow. "I am Dustran. High Wizard of Haven, and Chief Advisor to the High Lord." He sat down after the introduction. "High....wizard..." she said, eye twitching slightly in shock. This was no noble. she was casually sitting across from the second most influential person in all of Haven. "That is...I mean... It is an honor..." she stumbled. [i]What In the Nine Hells have I gotten myself into.[/i] Dustran actually laughed. "Oh please! Would you believe only a few years ago I was but a mere librarian?" he said, waving a dismissive hand. At that moment the far door opened and Garys wheeled out a cart of food with accompanying silver dishes and cutlery. There was egg fried bread, porridge with fruit and nuts, raspberries, cream and hot tea, chilled water and milk. Garys placed the fine fare on the tea table before them, then stood off to the side, a string in his hands. "Would the lady kindly stand for her measurements?" She gazed at the food with wide eyes, her belly informing her that something far more important than a High Wizard demanded her attention, but stood, her eyes fixed on the cart, as if afraid it might disappear. "Make it quick, Garys. If you'll please" Dustran said with slight amusement. "I believe our guest is famished." The servant said nothing but quickly began running the string across Eudaxia's limbs and around her waist and chest before disappearing once again. "Eat Eudaxia, please!" Dustran said. It was an order. She sat back down. Normally she would have been suspicious, but she did not question the feast in front of her in her hunger. Still, there were three different kinds of fork and four things that looked qualified to be spoons, and she had to make an educated guess as to which of the many fancy utensils was intended for each dish. She did not gorge herself, but ate with restraint, knowing her company. She savoured every bite of the rich food, each new flavour like a fresh wave of water over a dry and cracked beach. The cream and porridge were thick. The fruit juicy and succulent. The bread was warm and crispy. She'd never realised food could be so good, for Eudaxia, it was just something else you needed to stay alive. Dustran watched her with a smile. "Tell me, Eudaxia, can we have an honest conversation?" he said finally. She paused in her eating, her guard returning slightly. "I... forgive me your grace, if I seem defensive." she said after finishing her mouthful. "I feel very much out of my depth right now. Maybe it would be easier if I knew what all of this was about." she said, still treading carefully. "That is understandable. Where shall we begin then? Were you born in Haven?" he said turning serious, making no attempt to answer her unasked question. "Yes. I mean, I think so. I was abandoned here by my parents when I was little." she said, put out a little. "How awful. Do you know what became of them?" "Yes..." she said, conversationally. "I learned some years later that they were killed." This was her second interrogation of the day, though a lot more pleasant than the first. [i]Wilo asked about my parents too[/i]. she thought. A joking part of her wondered if she was still under arrest, and this was just "good cop, bad cop" taken to ridiculous extremes. "Tragic. So who raised you? An orphanage then?" She could sense he was measuring her up, judging her somehow. "I raised myself, mostly." she continued. "some others of my kind took me in, early on. But they treated me badly." her fists balled at the memories. "I learned I was better off on my own." "Hard enough for an orphan, much less a tiefling" he commented solemnly. "How did you survive all these years on your own?" "I begged. I tricked... stole, when I needed to." she confessed, "Then..." Then the dream. The demon. The magic. "Things became a little easier when I discovered my magic. I was able to look after myself better. Do things like what I did with Shaemus, hunt rats in the sewers." "Indeed" he said, contemplatively "You must understand it is a rare thing to be able to wield magic, Eudaxia. I can help you tap into your power, learn to focus it, if you will let me." He raised an eyebrow. "Do you know how you came by your abilities?" This. [i]This [/i]was what she needed. Was he really offering to teach her? But she couldn't answer his question properly. Who knew what he would do if he discovered her powers came from a demon. "I would very much like to understand more about magic." she said eagerly. "I don't really know how it works. I just seemed to discover them in myself one day." Dustran eyed her for a long moment then sighed, shaking his head. "I hope one day you will come to trust me." Just then the door opened and Garys brought out a set of fine clothes. "Through the door there you will find a powder room you may change in, my lady," said the servant. She excused herself awkwardly, going into the side room and changing into the new clothes. They were practical but elegant, and fit her well. The dressing room contained various wardrobes, stands with powders and bottles of what she assumed must be perfume, as well as a full length mirror. The girl that stared back from the reflective surface was different from the one she was accustomed to. She seemed weary, and seemed to be lacking much of her trademark self confidence. But she wore finery, not rags. This person was better than an urchin. She rather thought the colours complemented her yellow eyes and tan skin. Garys knew his job well. [i]Does my tail look big in this?[/i] she caught herself wondering, then shook herself out of it. She would not be taken in by fantasy. For now this was nothing more than a costume, though an expensive one. She had lost all her money in the jail, if nothing else came of the day, she could probably sell the clothes. Perhaps she could wear them to the masquerade. she was tempted to pinch something on the way out, but this could easily be some kind of test, and her paranoia won in the end. Dustran awaited her in the outer hall, beckoning her to join him. "Come, its past time we joined Shaemus" They walked to the double doors at the end of the hall. The wizard pulled the doors open to a small empty chamber awaited them, he stepped inside and turned to face the entrance, nodding at Eudaxia to do the same. Inside, a whirring sounded beneath the floor, followed by a jolt, then the room began to rise, climbing up and passing over a great number of doors as they reached higher and higher up the tower. Eudaxia's eyes expanded in wonder. "is it magical, or mechanical?" Dustran smiled under his snow white beard. "Mechanical. A device I exhumed from an Old Elven ruin in Isera." She wondered what it would be like, adventuring through an old ruin in search of treasure and secrets. She could hardly picture the old man doing it, though they'd already established there was more to him than met the eye, herself however... "So... If I wanted to learn more about the nature of magic, where could I go to do that?" she asked, refocusing and trying to sound timid. The lift came to a stop, halting at a door. Dustran pushed it open, revealing a modestly sized parlour. There was a seating area, a small book shelf, a window with thousands of twinkling lights of the city below, and a door on the far side. "I can teach you, Eudaxia," he assured her. "If you can prove to be an able student, that is." He stepped out of the lift, toward the door on the far side. "I would work hard." she said with determination, wandering over to the window, looking out at the the city she knew like the back of her hand. From up here it seemed an entirely different beast. [i]So big. So bright and dark at the same time.[/i] Dustran stopped by the door, turning toward Eudaxia. "Of that I have no doubt. What concerns me, however, is if you will use your powers responsibly." Dustran pusheed the door open without waiting for a response and stepped through. On the other side was a surprisingly modest chamber compared to the other rooms. It was small, had a desk and a few chairs, a hearth, and what appeared to be an alchemy lab and books. Lots of books. It almost seemed as though the books were taking over the solar. Sitting at the table was Shaemus, who stood up and faced their direction as they entered. "Shaemus," said Dustran. "I believe you've met Eudaxia." The blind priest held out a hand toward Eudaxia. "I am glad you're now safe, child." She entered the solar, looking around curiously at the alchemical equipment and taking Shaemus' questing hand. "I suppose I have you to thank for that, Shaemus." she said. It wasn't quite a thank-you. More an acknowledgment of debt. Still, she wondered how he was able to secure the help of the High Wizard. Shaemus smiled, giving Eudaxia's hand a firm squeeze before releasing it. "Actually it is his Grace you have to thank. He came to me." "Reports of magic misuse are taken very seriously in Haven, and I see to them personally," explained Dustran. "It was the merchant you [i]attempted[/i] to rob that pointed me to my dear friend, Shaemus." He sat casually on his desk, motioning for Eudaxia to have a seat on an empty chair across from him. "I will get to the point. I have need of someone of your particular talents, Eudaxia. You have lived through the worst of this city. Raised on the streets, you know first hand of the dangers and the rot that festers within it. Haven is changing. After coming so close to destruction by the hands of the Shadow Cult, we turn to the Gods once more, and put our faith in heroes." Dustran paused a moment, becoming lost in grim recollection before continuing. "I intend to find men and woman of stout hearts that are willing to sacrifice all for the sake of this city, nay the world! I intend to find successors to the Heroes of Haven! My dear, I believe I may have found one." His blue eyes stared intently into hers. Eudaxia sat still, confounded. The cards were finally on the table, and they didn't make sense. What did the wizard see in her? She was no Hero. Heroes were crazy people, sacrificing themselves for the sake of others. But... if that was what Dustran needed from her, maybe she could fake it till she made it. Playing a role was what she did best after all. "I will be frank." she said slowly. Her rescuers deserved that much. "The Heroes of Haven are probably dead, and I have no desire to meet that same fate. I'm in no hurry to Martyr myself for this city, let alone the world, after how it has treated me... But having said that, I don't want to go back to just eeking out a living on the streets either." she said fiercely. "I'm not afraid of danger. I owe you, and you're offering me the things I need. I won't be doing it for the city's sake, but if you help me, [i]I'll be whatever you need me to be[/i]. She sat back in the chair, arms folded, tail twitching, awaiting their response. A straight up trade. she hated being beholden to others, but such an arrangement she could handle. It may not be exactly what he wanted, but a selfish hero was the best she could give him for now. If she ended up doing some good along the way, that was just a bonus. Dustran let out a deep breathe, stroking his beard in thought and looking to Shaemus. The priest gave a curt nod, as if he could see the wizards glance. "My friend has faith in you," Dustran said finally. "However, I am not as easily convinced. I hope your coming deeds will convince me otherwise." Eudaxia nodded. It was fair. She would get him his results. "So, for what reason are you so keen to gather successors for the heroes?" she said, turning businesslike. "is there a task you have for me?" Dustran's eyes grew dark, his voice lowered. "Tell me, Eudaxia, have you heard of the Sword of Maha Dun?" [i]The what of what now?[/i] "ehh, no?" she said. She knew little of stories and legends, outside of what drunks told at the Rusty Cudgel. Shaemus joined in with a conspiratorial tone. " The sword of Maha Dun is a relic of the Warp of Demons, wielded by the ancient Demon Lord Maha Dun. When the demon was defeated, his fallen blade was fragmented into three shards." "Should the blade be reforged," said Dustran, "Maha Dun's corporeal form will reshape in the material plane. Under great secrecy, one shard was brought to Haven for safe keeping. Last night, it was stolen!" Her blood ran cold. "A.. demon?" she said, feeling a little sick. More demons. The topic was following her everywhere. [i]Nerull is coming. He swallows the world. His shadow calls[/i] The Half-elf's mantra from the night before filled her head. "do you have any idea who stole it? where was it being kept?" she said. mind racing. If they were expecting her to help recover it, she would need to know as much as possible about the robbery. "The shard was being kept in the catacombs of the Larenthian Temple, in Godsreach," explained Shaemus. "We apprehended a dwarven agent nearby, a member of the Order of Valhammer, an elite warrior of the Underkingdom of Razor," said Dustran. "We believe it may not be mere coincidence that the shard was stolen a day before the arrival of King Wrothiron. You should begin your investigation at the temple, and learn what you can from this captured agent. Our mutual acquaintance Wilo at Founder's Keep, can aid you in this." Her eyes blazed slightly at the mention of Wilo, but then she remembered something else. "There was such a dwarf in the cell I shared when you released me. He addressed you." she said to Dustran. "Is he the one I need to interrogate?" Regardless, she thought she would investigate the temple first as he suggested. "Wait, are you saying that Wrothiron might be behind this?" she said with a start. Dustran sighed. "The alliance between Haven and Razor has been strained in recent years. One of many consequences of the nihilism and xenophobia that had ruled this city. We have made strides to mend this old friendship, however, since Wrothiron lost his eldest son and heir, he's been unpredictable. Who knows what goes on in his mind. As for the prisoner you met previously, yes. He is [b]Forad Oakchest[/b], and an agent of the king's. He has told us nothing, but perhaps you may have better luck." "Sounds like he'd have to be pretty nuts to try summoning a demon." she said standing up. "Well, tomorrow is Founder's day, so I better get started. Is there anything else I should know before I go? and... are the other shards safe, or could we have a literal demon on our hands as far as we know?" "You need only concern yourself with this one," said Dustran. "The priests at the temple should tell you all you need to know. And here, take this..." Dustran handed here a circular pin, rimmed with gold and blood red, with a gold cross etched on the surface. "This badge identifies you as an errant of the High Lord. And for expenses..." he handed an astonished Eudaxia a heavy purse of gold. "You needn't take on this task alone." he advised. "Use this to hire a sellsword to watch your back, and any other expense you may incur. I've also arranged a room for you at the Castle Inn should you need lodgings." Eudaxia attached the pin to her clothes, but concealed from immediate view. Her eyes bulged slightly as she was handed the heavy purse. It held hundreds of gold pieces. She simply held it for a moment, carefully, as if it were a baby bird. [i]This can't be real[/i]. It was too much money. Too much. But what was she going to do? Give it back? She seemed to struggle for a second, as if chewing something unfamiliar. "Thank... you.", she said finally. "I won't let you down." Then she swept from the room, before anything else crazy happened. "Eudaxia!" Called Shaemus, following her out of the room, a new walking stick in hand. "Take great care in how you proceed. I'd gladly go with you if I had my sight, but seeing how I'd just end up tripping over myself like last night, probably not the best course." He chuckled. "Follow his Grace's advice. Enlist aid for this venture. The Craven Kraken at the harbour is a known hive for mercenaries. And judge well who you hire! The last thing you need is a knife in the back!" "I will!" she called. She was all too aware of the possibility of being betrayed. "And nice stick!" she says, as she disappeared into the lift contraption, noticing the new item for the first time. Once she'd gotten inside the whirring device, and located the runes that marked "ground floor", she simply stared at the pouch in her hand.[i] It has to be a trick[/i] she thought. She weighed, bit and otherwise closely examined several of the coins, but if they were fakes, they were good. There were five-hundred of them. [i]He's mad. He[/i] must[i] be mad[/i] only a madman would trust her, a thief, with this much money. It had to be a mistake. A big mistake. he would realise his error and send someone to stop her. She should run now whilst she had the chance, her paranoia screamed. With this much money she could live comfortably for years. She could buy a horse and flee the city. They'd never find her then. She could buy a fleet of horses. She could... she could... She gripped the side of the lift with one hand, feeling dizzy, and took a couple of deep breathes to compose herself. It would be so easy to take the money and run... but she couldn't. [i]Why?[/i] she screamed in her head. [i]Why can't I just take it all and go?[/i] Because she needed to find out more about her powers. It was a revelation for her, holding a bag of five-hundred gold pieces in her hand after a life of poverty and realizing that she valued getting to the bottom of the mystery more. Maybe Dustran realized he had that kind of hold on her. That magic was that attractive. It also made her admit to herself, in her bones, truly how afraid she was of the demon. It didn't matter if she ran a thousand horses to death. No matter where she went, that connection would follow her. [i]speaking of demons.[/i] She had an interesting task ahead of her. One she would need to impress the High Wizard with, and an interesting new position to do it from. She examined the little pin in the torchlight of the elevator, thinking of all the little freedoms it would grant her. By the time she reached the bottom and the elevator doors opened, she was grinning wickedly from ear to ear. Getting arrested was the best thing that had ever happened to her.