[b]"I'll need to speak with Laurence about this,"[/b] he said, not making a move to return the cloak. [b]"I haven't heard of the Fiore's having guests from outside the city."[/b] He looked over to Marise, who simply gave him a smile. [color=fff79a]"Now now, no need to be so suspicious knight sir,"[/color] She continued to smile, somehow the tone of what she was saying and the smile seemed completely opposite of what it should be. [color=fff79a]"I would hate to have to tell mother that you accosted our guests."[/color] The knight visibly straightened his posture, a mildly cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. [b]"O-of course not!"[/b] He made a moved to hand the cloak over to Katherine, but before the younger girl could grab it she did so herself, giving Katherine a mildly annoyed look as she draped it back over her shoulders. [b]"I wouldn't want to get in Lady Fiore's way."[/b] He turned to the other guards, motioning them to continue on. [b]"Apologies for troubling you, miss. Won't happen again."[/b] He began moving quickly himself, seemingly eager to get away. [color=fff79a]"Whew,"[/color] Marise said after they were out of earshot. [color=fff79a]"I promise they have the best of intentions, but they can get a little overzealous sometimes."[/color] Marise sighed. [color=fff79a]"Are you both alright?"[/color] [color=8882be]"...Humph. I am fine. Thank you for your assistance."[/color] Charlotte said, taking a few steps away from Katherine, and dusting off her cloak.