From zero to a hundred. Masaki took a step back. Her finger hovered above the emergency shut down protocol on her terminal. She'd seen a lot in her days, but nothing was remotely similar to how the android reacted. Was it a defect? Perhaps something installed in its brain before its previous owner - or owners - abandoned it in the junk yard she found it in? That was a question for another time. She sighed as the android finally stopped destroying her workshop. Before she could answer the android, it started to speak again. And again, Masaki wasn't expecting its response. Androids knew that they were machines. Did this one not? She raised her hands, a gesture of meaning no ill will. "You need to calm down. Someone must've screwed your coding," she said. "I gave you energy and fixed some broken parts here and there. I'm Masaki, and you're destroying my shop." Retrieving her chair, she moved it until it was a few feet from the android. She sat down and leaned against the back rest of the chair. She pointed towards the chair behind the android. "Sit. I need to run another systems check." Masaki held up a terminal. "What's your designation code? Do you remember anything? Anything prior to waking up?"