[hr][hr][center][img]https://s9.postimg.org/dgtslwwfj/cove_ch3.png[/img][hr][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/25130b8289f646d14f059dbb5c961972/tumblr_otiv1emyz51rtels1o2_500.gif[/img][hr][@Nallore][@Witch Cat][@FantasyChic][@BlueSky44][hr][h3][color=#9999ff][b]Coventry, Massachusetts: December 28th, 2016 - 8:43 P.M. Local Time[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][i]Coventry Circus Main Tent...[/i] [color=5F7171]"Yes, a little help would be great!"[/color] Darren grunted. The wolf seemed to be getting ready to go for another charge and he didn't like his odds if he was stuck there. He was only able to half focus anyways, as he was worrying over Aloise. Her moral compass had always been strongly oriented, so it made little sense for her to join Hel. She had to have had a good reason behind - maybe she was going to attempt a double cross. Sacrifice her life, so that way everyone else could live - that was the Aloise Zamora he knew. [color=00ccff]"...LOOK OUT!"[/color] Cecily screamed. She managed to dive to the right in time to avoid Fenrir's swipe, but Seraphina wasn't as fortunate. Fenrir had been going straight for Millicent, intending on grabbing the cloak for its mistress. The time traveling angel just happened to be [i]exactly[/i] in his way. Fenrir knocked Seraphina to the side, with the angel slamming into a pole and sliding to the ground. To an ordinary human, it would have been fatal. Her host was certainly in horrible shape. [color=00ccff]"Fuck...Hey, hey ugly!"[/color] Cecily shouted, certain that Seraphina was dead. To her knowledge, no one could have survived that. But since Seraphina was an angel, she was only wounded - not dead yet. Throwing out her hands, Cecily waved them about, trying to attract Fenrir's attention. She didn't have much luck, as the wolf growled at Millicent and bent down, ready to snatch away the cloak with his teeth. [color=00ccff][i]It's not working...What to do...What to do...[/i][/color] Cecily bit down on her lip, the ground around her rapidly shifting phase. As she glanced down, she lamented that she didn't have a lot of control over this power - though she understood where it came from. The contents of the letter she received - they must have been true. He really was her father. Otherwise... Throwing her hands up once more, Cecily had a terribly wonderful idea. Letting out a screech, she focused on Fenrir as much as she could. At first, there was no effect. She was tempted to give up and try another approach, but something told her to keep pushing. She strained herself more and more, letting out a death scream, and it began to work. The wolf's head changed from a solid to a liquid. It wasn't his entire body - but it was enough. The entire head was liquified, killing Fenrir. The body collapsed, falling to the ground and narrowly not crushing Millicent. Cecily fainted in turn, completely exhausted by that use of power. They were safe - for now. [hr][hr][center][h1]John Fairfax[/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/bb0fcac63efec174efe31d2851fd6828/tumblr_ogctb34NbA1ql4cgco2_540.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Coventry Circus Grounds ---> Heading to the Coventry Horrors [b]Interacting With:[/b] Folly, Lilith, Thalia, and Katsumi [@BlueSky44][@FantasyChic][/center][hr][hr] A strange look came over Folly's face. While the circus traveled, they had been in Coventry for a while now. And it wasn't the first time they had come through this area. "I know the way," Folly said simply, before taking the initiative and walking off towards the hotel. Lilith and Thalia would likely understand her strange behavior. Whenever her father had been particularly violent and unhinged, she had run to the hotel. She had hidden there - she had hidden with Fairfax, decades away from her father's reach. "We haven't had a proper chance to introduce ourselves," Fairfax mentioned, as he followed Folly's lead to the hotel. He didn't truthfully need it. While Coventry had changed in time, the hotel had the same location. Most of the streets and landmarks were the same. It was part of Coventry's historic charm. "My name is John Fairfax - but everyone seems to have taken to just calling me Fairfax. I'm an inventor and...huh, this is a funny tidbit I've never put in an introduction before, when I woke up last, it was 1929." Folly didn't turn her head, yet she apparently agreed with the need for introductions. She knew everyone there but Katsumi. However, it was clear that her mood was still relatively dark. "I'm Folly Valeska - likely a psychopath in the making at this point. The deck's stacked against me." Her father was Boris Valeska a.k.a. Jack Fairfax, after all. "I'm sure that's not true, Amiyra," Fairfax said, his tone filled with concern. Folly didn't reply.[hr][hr][center][h1]Rupert Cornish, MP[/h1][img]https://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxxckla2jV1qikabe.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] O.M.E.N. Headquarters - Washington D.C. [b]Interacting With:[/b] O.M.E.N. Agents, MI13 Agents, the Press [@Witch Cat][@FantasyChic][/center][hr][hr] "Huffington Post - What sort of abilities are we talking about?" an eager reporter asked, hand outstretched with a recorder. Irwin cleared his throat, about to provide an answer when Cornish's phone rang. Holding it up to his ear, Cornish stepped aside for a moment. By his facial expression, the call had been anything but good news. To the O.M.E.N. agents who had seen Cornish for the last few hours, they likely had become familiar with his facial expressions and realized that he generally showed great restraint. For him to be this obviously distressed...something had gone terribly wrong. The only question was where? "Enhanced reflexes, speed, stamina, strength - powers that no human being is capable of," Irwin answered. "You can't possibly mean...superpowers?" the reporter responded, laughing nervously. Despite the Incident, many people continued to live in denial. And of course, O.M.E.N. had done a bang up job at ensuring the more intimate details of the Altsoba Massacre were never released. The public couldn't help but be naive. "This isn't a laughing matter it's--" Irwin began, but he was cut off. Cornish had mouthed something to him and the color drained from Irwin's face. He glanced back at Cornish, as if to confirm that it was true, before then looking back at the assembled press and agents. "That's all the time we have - thank you."[hr][hr][center][h1]Scarlett Cromwell[/h1][img]http://sugarscape.cdnds.net/15/39/1443101142-sq-18.gif[/img][hr][b]Location[/b]: Abandoned Warehouse - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania [b]Interacting With[/b]: Anthony Ryder [@Nallore][/center][hr][hr] While it had been overcast that morning and the sun broke through in the afternoon, the temperature had dropped to near freezing that evening. Thunderstorms dominated the night sky, with heavy drizzles pouring intermittently, accompanied with the occasional booms of thunder and flashes of lightning. Most everyone had stopped work for the day as the shadows became more and more prominent, except for those who worked best in the darkness. Whether it was selling guns or cursed items, the low lighting of night helped to cover those illegal transactions. For Anthony, he had one such appointment at an abandoned paper warehouse with Miss Scarlett Cromwell. A natural witch, she wore a fashionably red ruffled blouse, partnered with a leather jacket, skinny jeans, and black heeled boots. While she didn't appear to be more than eighteen years old, it was always hard to tell with witches. Some of them ensured that they kept a youthful appearance, even if they were eligible for compensation as a senior citizen. For someone as vain as Scarlett, it would have been a mistake to even ask how old she really was. Although unbeknownst to Anthony, she had killed for less before. Instead, she had a reputation as being temperamental. But she always paid the price agreed upon and didn't kill the dealer, so she was practically an ideal customer. Tapping her foot, Scarlett huffed. It was two minutes till the appointment and there was no sign of Anthony. He was supposed to give her one of the cursed boxes with an unknown content. She really didn't care what was in it - she simply needed a cursed box and she needed it [i]now.[/i] "No good help these days," Scarlett growled, thinking up a particularly nasty hex. If Anthony didn't show in the next two minutes, she'd use it.