Laredois’nabashon is an uncomfortable place for the Koren. He saw a good amount of Juz’ around the area and those Juz’’s kept looking at him. He hated attention this way so he lowered his head to avoid their gaze while he was being escorted into another holding cell. He was feeling quite thankful over the fact that they still allowed him to wear his armor due to his body’s condition so at least they are less likely to question his presence. Inside the cell that he was escorted into was another human that he assumed he was going to work with as well. Though he didn’t make any vocalizations to acknowledge his presence, the Juz’ would face his cellmate and stare. A little later, four individuals arrived by their holding cell and only two were notable enough. One of which was the captain that accommodated them earlier and another human that he never saw before. The man seemed out of place from the pristine military vibe that the whole place and its people had so he found himself focusing on him. Koren cocks his head and stood to get near the visitor to examine him. He stopped when the guards pointed their weapons at him, making him freeze on his tracks and he had to raise his cuffed hands to show that he had no ill will; a barely noticeable breeze made itself present within the room when he did. The Juz’ looked at the guards before speaking. [color=1E90FF]“I just wanted a look,”[/color] he would say flatly before he turns his attention back to their new guest as a lingering thought passed his mind. [color=1E90FF]“Are you here for us?”[/color] [hider=OOC] Tagged: [@Crossfire], [@superservo27] [/hider]