[center][b][color=c23d3d][sup][h1]S U P E R B O Y[/h1][/sup][/color][/b][/center] [COLOR=c23d3d][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]T H E S A N C T U A R Y[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][sup][color=darkgray]July 3[sup]rd[/sup], 2020 | Mount Justice, Rhode Island[/color][/sup][/INDENT][/INDENT] [indent] “Conner.” He stared at the meeting chamber wall, his eyes glazed over as he stared at some unseen corner of his mind. The Team had left a while ago, Andy saying something about “the best chicken parma in the world”, nudging Steph as he mentioned that he’ll need an assistant. His demeanour was as upbeat and personable as it had been before the mission; the others seemed to express a dejectedness that Conner knew well, something he’d experienced many times with Teen Titans. The failures he’d gone through back then were often worse than this one, but he still understood why the Team felt as they did – although they were still a rookie team by all accounts, they believed that they should have done better. He could see it especially in Tachyus, rushing out ahead of everyone else, his ego visibly bruised despite his efforts to hide it. He didn’t blame him. It was a special kind of bruise, to be one of a group’s most powerful members, yet being the only one to get knocked down – and yet, it wasn’t really Tachyus’ fault. No, the true blame lay on Conner. His amateur leadership failed to prepare them for a bunch of wannabe clowns, to the point that [i]they[/i] were the ones at a disadvantage. The team with a demi-god, Dr. Light’s daughter, a human sun and an Avatar of all animal life, drew the short straw against a gang of rabid circus performers. It was inexcusable. “Conner,” repeated Dinah Lance-Queen, and this time he snapped out of his thoughts, his gaze flicking back to her. [b][color=c23d3d]“Sorry,”[/color][/b] he said. [b][color=c23d3d]“I… zoned out for a bit there.”[/color][/b] “I noticed,” said Dinah, the sternness in her eyes failing to mask her concern. “I said that your training – the Team’s training – should focus on building trust with one another. Working together as a single unit, not as individuals. There were moments today when you did that, but they were outnumbered by the times you each went off to do your own thing. That can’t happen again.” Conner met her gaze, his eyes hard. [b][color=c23d3d]“I know.”[/color][/b] “I know you do,” she said. “Look, I’m not trying to knock you or the Team down a few pegs. That won’t help, and it’s not what I’m here for. But I saw your suit-cam footage; you all trust yourselves more than you trust each other, and that’s what’s stopping you from being great. You need to come together, and team building exercises will help you get there.” Conner stayed silent, letting her words sink in. [i]You all trust yourselves more than you trust each other.[/i] That may be true for the others, but no – not for him. [b][color=c23d3d]“Why am I here?”[/color][/b] he asked. The hardness had left his eyes. They pleaded now. “In this room?” said Canary. [b][color=c23d3d]“You know what I mean,”[/color][/b] he said. [b][color=c23d3d]“Why am I [i]here[/i]? Leading the Team? Why not Tim, or Cassie, or – or Bart? I’m completely out of my element, Dinah. Why was [i]I[/i] picked to lead?”[/color][/b] She looked at him, her sympathy more visible now that her sternness gave way. “That’s a question for Bruce and Clark,” she said softly, “But I can give you my opinion.” Conner’s silence was his consent. “You were chosen because people look up to you. The Team happens to fall under that demographic.” He scoffed. [b][color=c23d3d]“People look up to me? In Metropolis, maybe. Fenrir hates me.”[/color][/b] “Fenrir’s lived a life of isolation and has more skeletons in his closet than I can count. He “hates” you because he perceives everyone as a threat until he’s satisfied that they’re not.” Conner raised his brow. [b][color=c23d3d]“And you got that after two weeks?”[/color][/b] She gave him a small smile. “No. Shayera gave me the basic rundown.” [b][color=c23d3d]“Right.”[/color][/b] “My point is, people look up to you. It may not have started out that way, but they do. You’ve been with the Titans since you were born, and you’ve been partnered with Superman for about that long. The experience shows, but only if you let it. And you haven’t been. You’re worried about being a leader the Team can trust?” Silence. “Trust has to start from somewhere. Be their friend first. Leading them will come naturally after.” [b][color=c23d3d]“Batman’d say differently,”[/color][/b] Conner said. “But I’m not Batman,” said Dinah, “And neither are you. You’re Superboy. Try to remember what that first part means.” He sighed. [b][color=c23d3d]“Yeah. Okay. Thanks, Dinah.”[/color][/b] “This is my job,” she smiled, “You don’t have to thank me. Take the night off, if you want. I’ll see you in the morning.” Conner managed a small smile, nodding. He walked out of the briefing room, walking down the hall towards the elevator. Pressing ‘0’ for the dormitory level, the lift began descending. The Team were probably finishing dinner up by now, getting ready for whatever they had planned next. Somehow, Conner doubted that it was sleep. He’d noticed their restlessness earlier, exuding out of them along with their dejection. How they’d deal with it, he didn’t know, but as thoughts of checking on them started to take shape, he realised just how exhausted he was. The day had drained him. As a ding resounded overhead, the elevator doors opened, and Conner began walking to his room. Food could wait until the morning. He wasn’t hungry. [/indent]