Whatever happiness Roxas felt as he looked at the Photos left him as soon as dinner stated. Ophelia's mother almost instantly, as if perfectly rehearsed, started to give Ophelia a hard time. She made Ophelia run and go change into something more "fitting." It was crap though, Ophelia was beautiful no matter what and when she came back in her new dress, Roxas almost fell out of his seat. She was stunning. In that second everything around him was gone and it was just him and Ophelia. It was almost like he was falling in love with her all over again. The moment was ruined quickly though by Lenora. All she could say was that it would look better on someone else. This pissed off Roxas to no end. Ophelia looked beautiful and all she could do was rag on her more. Weren't parent's supposed to love and support their kids? It wasn't over though. Once Ophelia sat back down, Lenora started to say how shit Roxas was. This wasn't a surprise. Mostly because it was all true. He was taited and fuck up. Nothing was going to change that. He had a demon in his head and it wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Roxas wanted to say something, but decided it was better not to. She wouldn't let her off the hook about him though and for a moment Roxas reached in his pocket for his mask. [color=0054a6]'No one talks to her that way.'[/color] He thought to himself, getting more and more annoyed. So much for pleasing the parents. The argument continued on and Roxas was on the verge of exploding. How could someone hater their own child like this. For a moment there, he felt like he should have let Ophelia kill him that night. Maybe things would have been better off for her if he had. The thought of that sent a shiver down his spine. Right as he was about to open his mouth, Ophelia spoke up. What came next surprised even him. She defended herself nicely and it seemed to take her mother off guard. When she was done, he smiled up at her, proud of what she was saying. When she was finished though he still didn't feel any different about her killing him the night they met. There was a moment of silence then Roxas excused himself. He took Ophelia by the hand and walked into the living room away from the others. She looked at him confused for a while. Probably wondering what the hell. Roxas waited for a moment before speaking making sure the others weren't listening. [color=0054a6]"Do you regret not killing me?"[/color] He said low, but enough for her to hear. [color=0054a6]"I don't want you to get crap because of me. I'm sure she's always like that, but she is right about one thing. I'm broken goods. I'm a ticking time bomb and there's no way to stop me. I don't know how to make it go away and I don't want to drag you down with me. You should be bonded to someone better than me."[/color] He said meaning every word. He didn't want to lose the one good thing in his life, but he would do anything to make her life better and happier. If that was without him then so be it. [color=0054a6]"I'm proud of you though. I'm happy that you got to stand up for yourself to her."[/color] He smiled at and gave her a kiss on the forehead. [color=0054a6]"That dress looks beautiful on you by the way. I don't think anyone else could pull it off."[/color] Deep down Roxas felt like he was going to cry. A wave of different emotions were flowing through him.