[@Odin] [i]Just making sure before I wasted my time, reeling in the bait.[/i] Gee. Wonder why of all people. You'd say such a defensive thing in the first place... Yeah, let's stop being so disingenuous shall we? My post you cried about said... [quote=@SleepingSilence] Spellcheck your work. [/quote] Then you said... [quote=@Odin] You really gonna put forward this argument again and am I really gonna have to point out your hypocrisy again? [/quote] And just many comments later or before... [quote=@ArenaSnow] Spellcheck is literally a matter of looking at the red squiggly lines that pop up when using a remotely competent browser. [/quote] [quote=@Inkarnate] I find it more annoying when people don't spellcheck. [/quote] [quote=@The Harbinger of Ferocity] Yes, I accept typing on a phone almost universally erodes post quality for a myriad of reasons, but if you are [i]still[/i] incapable of spelling every few words correctly [i]and[/i] always getting a character's name wrong in it, you are either doing it on purpose to spite the other members or you just do not care. [/quote] You'd be surprised how many I could find making the same statements in my posts that were said in others or your very own, without you (or anyone else) being a complete shithead in response to them. (or anything else I said that you cried about, for that matter. :D)