[center][h1]The Flotilla and Flotina Admirals (Sides)[/h1][/center] The Flotillas are as much a part of Stout society as eating is a part of life. Every Flotilla has its own agenda and leaders must be chosen to reflect their interests. Admirals are suggested by the Flotillas as a whole and then recommended to the King, who decides whether or not they are suitable candidates. The only exceptions to this rule are Flotilla Omegon, whose leader is chosen by the King, disfigured through magics which are used to place them under a persistent magical field, trackable by Halfling mages, and forced to give up their name, to ensure that they never turn against the Kingdom, Flotilla Rouaume for obvious reasons, Flotilla Ecclesiaro, whose leaders are elected without the insight of the king, and Flotilla Homa, who have no elected leaders and vote on all decisions, except for times of war, where they choose a "Protector", a volunteer from Flotilla Integro, to serve as a military leader. Admirals act under the guidance of the king, but are allowed to make their own decisions unless called to campaign, where they hand over their power to the king himself. As Flotillas are usually sailing the sea, where they can remain for years on end due to the Stouts' uncanny ability to collect fresh water and a varied group of foods, the [i]Flotina Messi[/i] are necessary to insure communication between Flotillas. The Messi are a group of ten excellent sailors who bring messages between the Flotillas. Flotina means "Small fleet", and the Messi are thus treated much like a Flotilla, following the same rules but remaining out of the spotlight. The Flotilla Admirals are often compared to a feuding family, and any time they meet is almost certainly going to lead to a Partipati [sup](A cook-off for those who haven't read the wiki)[/sup]. Despite all of this, they delight in each-other's company, and there is history of admirals intermarrying. [hider=Admiral Harrion of Flotilla Barbaros] "Onward! To adventure! And friendship! Friendship adventure!" Harrion is the youngest out of the Flotilla admirals, and this fact is quite clear when you listen to him speak. Harrion seems to be consistently on a sugar high, always energetic, and always talking. An underage Stout, Harrion's ascension was met with a bit of derision amongst the other Admirals, but his adventurous spirit and surprising skill and leadership quickly endeared him to most of them, and he shares a brotherly relationship with Integro leader Curo. Harrion is easily the most attractive of the Admirals, and many young ladies of Flotilla Maxim leave their fleet just to be near him. Harrion is blond-haired, clean shaven, and often dressed in tight clothes when he is wearing a shirt at all, even the married Admiral Duvessa has expressed... interest in the young explorer. Age: 16 Personality: "Tell Curo he's missing the adventure of a lifetime!" Hyperactive, Brave, Adventurous, Affable. "Tell the king to shove it, I'm busy going where no Stout has gone before!" Rebellious, Self-centered, Tactless, Arrogant. Likes: "Friends, a bottle, and a hug, what else does a man need?" Admiral Curo, Admiral Duvessa, Admiral Remy, Booze, Hugs, Love, Adventure. Dislikes: "Authority? Pah, I do what I want, and what I want is adventure!" King Gennio, Admiral Omegon, Shirts, Court Proceedings, Religion, Being Tied Down.[/hider] [hider=Admiral Duvessa of Fleet Cacophani] "Art is everything, dears, and everything is art." Duvessa is the beloved Admiral of Fleet Cacophani, a talented singer and arist, she is married to Admiral Remy of Flotilla Maxim but is known for being quite flirtatious, a fact that her husband doesn't seem to mind, judging by their many, [i]many[/i], public displays of affection. Duvessa is friendly with pretty much every other admiral, including the High Priest and the King, the only Admiral who she doesn't get along with is Morte, but he's Admiral of Omegon so it's understandable. Unbeknownst to most everyone, Duvessa is deeply insecure, as a result of a traumatic childhood, and often has breakdowns alone in her cabin. She refuses to let her insecurities define her, and maintains a sunny outlook on the world through it all. Age: Thirties. "I'd rather not tell everyone I know, age is a well-kept secret amongst women in my family." Personality: "Beauty is to be searched for, and it's better to see for one's self than to be told about it." Nurturing, Accepting, Overprotective, Humorous. "But even the most beautiful waterfall has the rocks at the bottom." Oversharer, Quick to Judge, Slow-going, Self-conscious. Likes: "You're all gorgeous to me." The Members of Flotilla Cacophani, Her Husband, Admiral Harrion, Being in Control, Art, Nature, Peace. Dislikes: "I'm in control... I'm in control." Not Being in Control of a Situation, Her Memories, Being Told What to Do, Her Own Art.[/hider] [hider=High Priest Fulminio, Admiral of the Flotilla Ecclesiaro] "The gods are my only lords." Fulminio is the High Priest of the Stout gods, and he truly believes in them, basing his entire life and philosophy off of what the gods believe. He is kind and just to those who he speaks to, but his decrees are often harsh and alienating. He is among the most hated men in the Kingdom, and despite his affable nature, he has done little to appease his detractors, only making it worse. Age: Old Personality: "I believe in Benaduza..." Good-humored, Selfless, Charitable, Temperate. "...For we are the only godly kingdom." Dismissive, Prejudiced, Wroth, Manipulative. Likes: "All is well so long as the gods are remembered." The Gods, Wine, Stouts, Faithfulness. Dislikes: "Disbelievers are less than dogs." Disbelief, Humans, The Unknown.[/hider] [hider=Admiral Curo of Fleet Integro] "This is our land, our time!" Curo is the leader of Fleet Integro and by extension the vast majority of Benaduza's militants. Formerly named Flotilla Crania, the Gnomish word for skull, Curo changed the name to Integro in order to remove the stigma that the fleet had possessed up to that point. Flotilla Crania still exists as a breakaway fleet of perhaps ten ships, who raid coastlines and harass traders. The rebranding of the fleet is an example of Curo's level-headedness and care for the fleet, mostly removing the stigma that the fleet had held up to that point as ruthless pirates. Despite this level-headedness and care for the fleet, Curo is known as the most restrictive Admiral, as he is often known to make rules in order to keep his fleet from getting out of hand. Curo believes in Benaduza above all else, and is incredibly loyal to the King, practically serving as his right-hand. Curo is beloved among the other Admirals for his quick wit and love of humor, and his fleet loves him for his just leadership and willingness to turn a blind eye to their activities during wartime. Age: 24 Personality: "Don't laugh! That's not even the funniest part!" Droll, Quick-witted, Brave, Honorable, Loyal. "No seriously, don't laugh." Rude, Strict, Cruel, Prejudiced. Likes: "Hah! That cracks me up." Jokes, Admiral Harrion, Admiral Duvessa, The Royal Family, Beer, Squid-meat. Dislikes: "Don't you dare threaten me." Threats, Rude People, High Priest Fulminio, Religion, Disloyalty, Treason.[/hider] [hider=Admiral Remy of Flotilla Maxim] "Call me a hopeless romantic or a naive boy, but don't call me stupid." Admiral Remy is the Admiral of the massive Flotilla Maxim, and one of the most important men in Stout society. Holding lordship over the majority of Stouts, Remy takes a laissez-faire approach to leadership, mostly leaving the flotilla to their own devices and only choosing the direction of their travel. Remy is among the most approachable Admirals and is known for his love of poetry, food, and his wife Duvessa. Of the two, it is well known that Duvessa is the one that wears the pants in the relationship. Despite his reputation as a naive and easily-manipulated sort, Remy was chosen as Admiral for a reason, and he proves his intelligence when challenged to a battle of wits, in which, he has even managed to defeat the king himself. Attempt to challenge Remy at your own peril. Age: 37 Personality: "I enjoy your company, truly." Kind, Welcoming, Intelligent, Loyal, Honest. "Okay, we can do that I suppose." Submissive, Passive, Manipulative, Overthinking. Likes: "I like a lot of things, but if I had to choose, you'd be number one." Duvessa, Their Children, Board Games, Conversation, Sailing, Poetry, Love as a Concept. Dislikes: "Sorry that you had to suffer like that, maybe next time you'll be a bit nicer." Rudeness, Manipulators, Threats on his Family, Arrogance, Revenge.[/hider] [hider=Admiral Gero of Flotilla Veritas] Admiral Gero is unique amongst the admirals in that he has never been seen by anyone outside his Flotilla, he has been Admiral for an immense length of time, longer than any Stout should be alive, and some state that the Veritas Flotilla has ignored the King's law and has simply chosen an Admiral amongst themselves to take the persona of Gero. If so, this is an immense crime against the King, and could easily lead to the fleet being disbanded.[/hider] [hider=Admiral Omegon of Flotilla Omegon] Admiral Omegon is one of many Omegons, who take the name of their Fleet over their birth name. Pale as snow and unable to speak, Omegon is one of the few magically-sensitive Stouts, and by himself is a fleet-destroying force, able to keep his criminal fleet in check through the threat of his magics. Little is known of Omegon's personality, he attends the admiral meet-ups, but sits near the king as a sort-of bodyguard, unable to speak and probably unwilling to.[/hider] [hider=Admiral Seneca of Flotina Messi] Admiral Seneca is one of the many messengers of the small Flotina Messi. He is also, surprisingly, a Gnome. As a result, he takes his job very seriously and never attends Admiral meet-ups. Age: 8 (Gnomes reach maturity at age 3) Personality: Punctual, Good Work Ethic, Caring. Unemotional, Impersonal, Socially Dysfunctional. Likes: His Job, Working Hard, Sailing, The King. Dislikes: Talking, Wasting Time, Halflings.[/hider]