[center][color=bc8dbf][h2]Misako[/h2][/color][/center] Misako let out a yawn as the school bell ended her least favourite lesson: History. Dragging the chair as she stood up, she chucked the books into her school bags, leaving the classroom with her bag still unzipped. She headed straight for the school dojo. Kendo is something that she enjoys the most, she hasn't been training for a few weeks, so she is more than eager to resume her practice. Her face turned glum when there weren't any sounds of the dojo floor rattling, or even the sound of the bamboo swords whizzing through the air. Seeing the lights weren't even turned on has confirmed her doubts. [color=bc8dbf]"The door's locked..."[/color] Misako frowned at the adrupt closure of the day's practice. So much for her thinking of ways to challenge her seniors. She took out a 100 yen coin, [color=bc8dbf]"At least I can go to the arcade early..."[/color]