Gabriel was only vaguely aware of the conversation going on around him, he was in his head off in his own little world. He was disappointed the pilot was separated from the rest of them so he couldn't see the controls of the helicopter. He'd never been in a helicopter before, it was a lot more turbulent than a plane. Of course most people had no need to ever be in a helicopter, so this was a unique experience in itself even without the fact they were being taken to some place where they were apparently going to be learning magic. Tuning in slightly to those around him, Gabe wondered if he made the right choice in coming here. Why was he even here in the first place? Because he was bored of his life and wanted some excitement? Because he figured a college drop out didn't have much potential anyways so he may as well do something legendary? Or maybe because he was lonely and thought maybe doing something crazy with a group of people would net him some friends? Probably a mix of all of those. Well if he wanted to at least attempt to make friends with these people, which seemed a little unlikely but whatever, he should probably know their names. He shifted slightly and lifted his head from where it was resting against the helicopter wall, "if we're gonna be doing this thing together we should probably know each others names." Gabe sounded a bit exasperated, a bit like he was done with their shit before he even really knew them, he shook that out of his voice, knowing it wasn't fair to judge them yet, "I'm Gabriel, or Gabe if you want." He had caught the excited sounding girls name, Bara. He wondered if anyone else would offer a name, or if they were too cool for school and would just ignore him.