[@Grim] [s]That literally has already happened so many times and is sort of happening this very moment with you mentioning discord or most of what you said. But the "wah" part certainly sounds a lot like the other people I'm describing alright...I'm teasing, gimme a break here.[/s] Yeah. A bit wall of text-y. But again, no intention of offense, but clear biases stop me from taking you very seriously. The thing I want to make very clear is that I [b]don't[/b] do this to anyone else. Not a single person who has been kind to me from the beginning, has received any of my venom. Not a one. And even the worst offenders always have an option to make up, because I don't hold grudges. If anyone wants to talk to me, not -at- me. I'll be perfectly respectful back. I'd even clarify that my post replying wasn't even directed -at- you personally. If anyone made that argument, I would have likely made the same snarky comment. Still petty? Hell yeah. But half the thread is people being nothing but petty and I'd argue you were a part of that too. I'll admit I don't really have the best filter, so maybe I'm often too bluntly honest. Sure, it's an excuse, but one that I do have better reasons for than most. But I'll leave it at that, because it's not important. I don't even understand the false presumption of me assuming I'm perfect. Because aside from my very last original post on here, was me criticizing myself, I've never stated that. I've even directly stated otherwise. Which is far more humble than you could get most people to be, but I digress. If you want people being obnoxious to stop, maybe be honest enough to protest more than just one person or other people equally in the wrong. (because it doesn't exactly give your opposing theory credibility.) I could say more, but I'll leave it at that. Goodnight.