[@Sofaking Fancy] Thanks for the prompt edits! I'll get to reading them over the next few days. The Alliance ranks I actually found on the Systems Alliance page on the Mass Effect Wiki, which is a really useful resource for that kind of stuff! And of course! I know some sites out there can be kind of elitist or require proof that you're good enough, but honestly? That just scares people off and fosters a rather toxic atmosphere to a game. Way I see it, as long as somebody reads the OOC, has a good attitude and puts forth a great sheet, what's the difference between six days and six years? A problem I had with Iwaku was how it subdivided every single RP by subgenre, so you had a really fragmented community and it was hard to get a game noticed. I also found the community was [I]really[/I] bad at keeping games going. Stuff I would do on this site that last for years was lucky to make it six months on that site, and I have no idea why. Ultimately I came back here after RPG became stable and I haven't looked back. And man, I make myself laugh all the time; it's both awkward and great. Your humour definitely translates over, it's something I definitely appreciated on your sheet! Your D&D friends clearly don't appreciate puns. They should be thrown out the airlock. Oh shit, I totally wasn't thinking about the red hair when I wrote that, but that's excellent. ;D I'm glad you appreciate the nickname. I'll get to re-reading everything that's been posted over the next little while, I need a mental break to collect myself before hitting this again. I don't want to half-ass it.