[hider=Stjerne] Name: Stjerne(St-yern) Also known as: King of Stars, the Guiding Light Age: Appears either as an Well-built, Middle age man God Aspect: Stellar Forces Personality: Stjerne is rather passive in nature. Being the god of the Stars and Cosmos, he spent most of his time creating things that looked appealing to him and to the mortals on Earth. He is an encourager of exploration in all forms, and as such, guides explorers when they are lost to safety. In times of great strife and conquest he lends a hand in creating beautiful artistry in the night sky in the form of the Borealis. The Constellations were his Son's idea. Parents: Sun and Moon Sexuality: Omnisexual Form on Earth: [img]https://i.imgur.com/gsJ9ak1.jpg[/img] True Form: Stjerne's true form is similar to Hiraga's as it doesn't necessarily cause insanity, unless they attempt to gaze into his eyes or Aetherius. [img]http://sf.co.ua/14/04/wallpaper-2237226.jpg[/img] Powers: Ethereal Glory: When pushed into a fight, Stjerne used stellar attacks. It is a bit harder for him to use this ability in daytime due to the sun's light overpowering his stars, causing him to end things quickly or get out. Stellar Forces: Stjerne can manipulate gravity and the EM spectrum within his sight. He can use this to make himself fly or turn invisible. At nighttime this ability gets ramped up and he can create miniature black holes. Dreamwalker: Stjerne is able to freely enter the dreams of others, using it to help guide with subtle clues or hinder with waking nightmares. He can also hold conversations with his target(s) by linking sleeping minds together. Weapon: Aetherius, a beautiful scrying bowl with galaxy opal gems which could be used to transport oneself anywhere in the world. It also is able to show the location of any being if they know it's name, but this ability does not work on Aliases. History: Stjerne was a distant god at first. He has always seen himself as an observer of the others. So much so that he became the embodiment off the stars, who watch over the world while they sleep. He was adamant about mingling with humans until he witness them get abused and taken advantage of by other gods. He strove to protect the little guys, using his Boreals to show them that they had a god who would aid them however he could, whether it was sending a guiding light to sailors at night, convincing other gods to ease up the brutality a little, or using dreams to warn of danger. He came to be known as the Guiding Light for these efforts. He eventually had a son, Crius who he adored greatly. It was him who Stjerne gave Aetherius to, as his son was his ambassador of sorts to the mortals, as he was busy trying to keep Darkness from covering his stars. Stjerne grew worried with the darker gods as a few vied for his position and sight. It was Crius who came up with the Constellations, patterns in the sky representing different aspects of humanity. History: He was busy creating a new constellation with the help of his son, Crius. when he suddenly found that the stars no longer bent to his will. He felt distant from the very things that defined him. Without his powers he felt lost and confused. With the exile, Stjerne was more worried for the humans than himself. With Aetherius he could see what the gods were doing and accepted the loss as it would be unfair if the "good" deities where spared. Instead he focused on using his vanishing powers too set himself in a place where he could lend a hand to humanity. Stjerne became a renowned sage, up until his "death" where he seemingly vanished. He wandered around, being known as a mysterious wise man and eventually settling down in a remote forest far to the north of Asia. He built himself a monastery there, stone by stone to occupy his time. Crius was long since passed and his ancestors placed Aetherius in a shrine inside the monastery. Stjerne, with his connection to the stars and by now weaker without feeling the power they gave him, fell into a deep slumber. The priests of the temple hid him in the apex of new temple they had made for him. He eventually woke up in the last century and has been travelling the world, gaining knowledge of all that has passed. He helped diplomats, discouraged war with minimal effect(He was never good with words), and generally stuck to the background, keeping his temple's location a secret. Motive: Rebuild and complete his masterwork in the stars, along with finding out what the other gods are doing and maybe speak to Death about why so many of his Stars have gone out. [/hider] [sup]edit: changed Aetherious to a scrying bowl cuz that makes a bit more sense. lowkey forgot scrying was an actual thing XD[/sup]