[hider= Bartholomew Rosecliff] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=97e23b][center]Bartholomew Rosecliff[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/77423c664c5e2d6df490a46b70cb7fae/tumblr_inline_mlzc04Jlxq1qz4rgp.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=97e23b][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=97e23b]Name:[/color][/b] Bartholomew James Rosecliff [b][color=97e23b]Nicknames:[/color][/b] Bart [b][color=97e23b]Apparent Age:[/color][/b] 24 [b][color=97e23b]Birthday:[/color][/b] December 3rd [b][color=97e23b]Nationality:[/color][/b] American [b][color=97e23b]Birth Place:[/color][/b] Los Angeles [b][color=97e23b]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=97e23b]Native Language:[/color][/b] English, Mandarin, Demotic, Old Saxon, Scottish Gaelic, Mycenaean [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=97e23b][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=97e23b]Height:[/color][/b] 6'1" [b][color=97e23b]Weight:[/color][/b] 160 pounds [b][color=97e23b]Build:[/color][/b] Well fed, but not overweight. He has a runner's body, muscles present and visible, though not over proportioned [b][color=97e23b]Eyes:[/color][/b] Emerald green, ovular. [b][color=97e23b]Hair:[/color][/b] Natural blonde. His hair is the definition of organized chaos, a kind of messy that's so consistent it looks to be on purpose. It goes out to about an inch and a half, and has a course and rough look and feel. [b][color=97e23b]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Lightly tanned [b][color=97e23b]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] None to speak of [b][color=97e23b]Personal Style:[/color][/b] Being a swinging twenty something from the 21st century, Bart of course has a very modern dress. Normally wearing some combination of jeans and T-shirts, or other comfortable clothes. Bart always dressed for comfort in life, since he'd never especially had to dress up at all for his day to day activities. Brand doesn't especially matter to him, perhaps it's because he came from a poor family, but the manufacturer of clothes doesn't at all affect whether the clothes do what they need to do, so it's not a factor. Bartholomew keeps himself well groomed, taking advantage of the fact that he was born into a time period and place where daily showers were by no means a luxury. His hair happens to fall into place at the length it's at so he doesn't put any real effort into maintaining it. If it did happen to look sloppy or messy on any given day, he'd put in the extra effort to fix it, but normally this would be a sign that he'd be needing a haircut, and would get that done as soon as he could. [hr][center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_matgqylHYI1rway5lo1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=97e23b][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=97e23b][center][color=00a651]Intelligent[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Overeager[/color] * [color=00a651]Charming[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Curious[/color] * [color=00a651]Determined[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Naive[/color][/center][/color][/i] [b][color=97e23b]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Bisexual [b][color=97e23b]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Single [b][color=97e23b]Personality:[/color][/b] Every major achievement in Bart's life can be attributed to his natural curiosity. He is almost clinically incapable of leaving a subject alone once it's caught his interest, which is by no means a difficult thing to do. Many a night have been taken up by him toiling away in his room, researching whatever new topic has caught his attention. He can border on obsessive when he finds a new thing to latch onto, and has even been known to forget to eat on several occasions when he really gets into learning about a new subject. This has the natural consequence of making him as least familiar with many topics, though his familiarity by no means implies a proficiency. This also means that Bart is very good at talking to people, being able to casually talk about most subjects. And when people have interests that he hasn't caught onto yet, he's always ready to give them a chance to educate him. While he loves talking to people though, he often doesn't have time to. Either working or absorbing himself in whatever topic has struck his interest that week. Concerning his work, if he can be said to have any longstanding interests, programming and software design can be said to one of them. [b][color=97e23b]Habits:[/color][/b] He goes for a run pretty much every night, it gives him a chance to clear his head. Cracking his knuckles. [b][color=97e23b]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Long Distance Running, Programming, Reading and editing Wikipedia articles. [b][color=97e23b]Fears:[/color][/b] [list][*] Going blind [*] Losing the use of his hands [*] Being forgotten. [/list] [b][color=97e23b]Likes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Learning [*] Natural Language Processing (He wrote his master's thesis on this) [*] Running [*] Sharing what he knows with others [*] TV Drama's (He needs things playing in the background while he works) [*] Tea [*] Cats [*] Books [/list] [b][color=97e23b]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Coffee, he's a tea drinker through and through [*] Liars [*] Dogs [*] Thunderstorms [*] Self destructive behavior [*] Gambling [/list] [hr][center][img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/35600000/AlexPettyfer-alex-pettyfer-35628805-500-245.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=97e23b][center]Cards On The Table[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=97e23b]Skills:[/color][/b] [list][*] Possession - Allows the person to enter and temporarily take over the body of someone else with just a touch. (Person being possessed has a chance to resist. Sleeping or unconscious victims have no chance of resistance.) User has complete control over the body possessed, including combat and skills said victim has when possessed. Injuries gained while possessing someone go to the victim first and then the possessor. (Items carried by the possessor become inaccessible until the possession ends.) [*] Healing - The ability to heal wounds and diseases on a single creature once every twenty-four period by touch. Effectiveness depends on skill and success of attempt. Does not work on self or Emendators. [*] Hand 2 Hand - Basic skill used to strike another person in unarmed combat. This includes striking, grabbing, tackling, shoving, tripping, and choking. [*] Soft Martial Arts - The art of striking nerve bundles, ganglia, and other vulnerable areas of the body, as well as performing holds and throws [*] Spear - Skilled at using a spear/javelin. This includes the ability to throw, stab, slash, and use defensively [*] Club - Ability to fight with a wooden stick, metal tube, or metal bar. Allows use of European and Oriental staves, as well as clubs and other implements of bludgeoning, as well as axes and hatchets. [*] Heraldry - An Archaic Skill involving the design, description, and recording of coats of arms [*] Juggling - The ability to perform juggling acts with balls, clubs, hoops, or other various objects [*] Alertness - Ability to notice things that otherwise might go unnoticed. [*] Bow - The ability to fire long and short bows, composite bows, and crossbows [*] Breakaway - The ability to twist out of someone's grasp. [*] Charioteering - Knowledge of how to handle a chariot. [*] Horsemanship - The ability to ride and care for horses. [/list] [b][color=97e23b]What Is On Your Person:[/color][/b] [list][*] [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/b3e5fe1b-8640-4578-8a11-b0438cdeae56.jpg]Blue sweater[/url] and coordinating gray slacks [*][url=http://www.totalprosports.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/1940s-converse-skoots-copy.jpg]Converse running shoes[/url] [*] [url=http://www.sellingantiques.co.uk/photosnew/dealer_vintagewristwatch/dealer_vintagewristwatch_highres_1402738111516-0146862879.jpg]Civitas Moeris Wrist Watch[/url] [*] [url=https://www.theknightshop.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/295x/be86746e935288af823e2fec46503c4f/a/g/ag2520_1.jpg]Knife[/url] [/list] [b][color=97e23b]Residence:[/color][/b] [list][*] Track Clothing [*] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b0/51/1e/b0511ed1e1f99b0c6d164c157cf32aea.jpg]Messenger Bag[/url] [*] Numerous Books Publish 1940 and earlier, fiction [/list] [hr][center][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/DifficultFrighteningChipmunk-size_restricted.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=97e23b][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=97e23b]How did your character die?:[/color][/b] Bart died to no fault of his own, which goes to show the true uncaring nature of the world. He was out to get his cat vaccinated, and wasn't having the best day. Between death threats and unscrupulous sushi vendors, it deemed like something was out to get him. This however, was nothing compared to what would cap of the day, and his life. He met his untimely end to a fucking Rube Goldberg machine of death. He ended up dying to nothing but an unfair roll of the dice. Essentially, everything that could have gone wrong did. A bit of pressure buildup in the sewage system of Justice CA , mixed with a car crash into a fire hydrant ended with a unlucky Bartholomew painted onto a wall. The hydrant ended up being launched into him, ending his life in the space of an instant. [b][color=97e23b]What Brought You Here:[/color][/b] Though he isn't an egomaniac, Bart always had it in the back of his mind that his life was to be of some kind of importance. He'd put quite a lot of work into it, and is the type of person to believe that hard work has a habit of paying off. But, with his sudden demise, he never had much of a chance to dig into his potential. Bart's holding on for that reason. He refuses to go gently into the good night. He'd spent his life fighting and writing and working his way out of the social pit he was born into, only for it all to mean absolutely nothing in the end. He needs his existence to truly matter, and that does not include being killed by a fire hydrant. He isn't even completely sure what it means to matter himself, but he knows he wants to touch the lives of as many people as possible, and make the world an overall better place. [b][color=97e23b]Does your character want peace:[/color][/b] Who wants peace? The way Bart sees it, he'll have time for peace when he's truly dead. Especially with the true nature of the world being illuminated to him, by way of the Emendators and Paradoxes existence, there's so much more to learn and explore. While some may be stifled by their literal brush with death, if anything, it's invigorated Barts drive to better himself and understand the world at large, not only through the academic means he'd relied on before, but also to start really experiencing the world. [hr][center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/cbaf68298bf44bee58cb7dddbcaefd6d/tumblr_inline_mlz4rexovG1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr][h3][b][i][color=97e23b]Extras[/color][/i][/b][/h3] [/center] [b][color=97e23b]Character Quote:[/color][/b] Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. [b][color=97e23b]Theme Song:[/color][/b] I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General [b][color=97e23b]Link To Previous RP For Character:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/126143-darker-than-black-ch-3-vengeance/ooc]Gotcha[/url] [b][color=97e23b]Link To Original CS For Character:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4541686]Double Gotcha[/url] [b][color=97e23b]Link To Death Scene Post:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4569860]Triple Gotcha[/url] [b][color=97e23b]Anything Else:[/color][/b] Face claim: Alex Pettyfer [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4542001]I read rules sometimes.[/url] [sub][color=ed1c24]*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.[/color][/sub][/hider] [hr][hr] [hider=Relation Sheet][center] [hr][hr] [h1][b][i][color=998849]Relations[/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][h2][b][i][color=97e23b]Bartholomew Rosecliff[/color][/i][/b][/h2][img]https://www.nypl.org/sites/default/files/images/alex-pettyfer-1.inline%20vertical.jpg[/img] [i][color=97e23b]"You gotta take what you want from life. If you have it, you deserve it."[/color][/i][hr][hr]⟢ 🎆Respects ⟡ 🌓Neutral ⟡ 👋Acquaintance ⟡ 🙇It's Complicated ⟣ ⟢ 💛Friend ⟡ 💙Good Friends ⟡ 💜Best Friends ⟡ ❣️Ex-Friends ⟡ 😈Frienemy ⟣ ⟢ 💘Infatuation ⟡ 💓Loves ⟡ 💗Couple ⟡ 💕Basically Family ⟡ 💞Family ⟡ 💔Ex-Lovers ⟣ ⟢ ♨️Tense ⟡ 💀Dislikes ⟡ 😡Hates ⟡ 👿Enemy ⟡ 👹Absolutely Loathes ⟣[hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=998849]Emendators[/color][/i][/b][/h3][hr][hr] 🎆 [b][color=0072bc]The Dice[/color][/b] 🎆 [i]"She's tough, but I think she really does care about all of us."[/i] Bartholomew thinks The Dice commands respect in the way she acts. She's one of the few people he's met in his life who he doesn't feel safe vocally questioning. He also, however, thinks she knows what she's doing, and has much more experience and intelligence than him, so he does trust that she'll keep him and everybody else safe. [hr] 🙇[b][color=9370DB]The Cards[/color][/b] 🙇 [i]"I don't know what she did to Alex, but I don't like it."[/i] Bart very much enjoyed his training with Nancy, and while she did seem a bit random, he was actually kind of liked her at the end of it. But when Alex went missing for a month, and came back clearly off, those feelings went away very quickly. He knows the nature of their training necessarily entails some danger, but something just doesn't taste right here. He needs to talk to her and Alexandra and find out what's going on as soon as possible. [hr] 👋[b][color=A0522D]The Hat[/color][/b] 👋 [i]"Gill's cool, I'd have a beer with him."[/i] The Hat was the first Emendator Bartholomew really interacted with, and he seems the most laid back out of all the one's he's met. Knowledgeable and chill, Bart see's him as the Emendator he's closest to, and is the first one he would go to if he needed to talk about anything. [hr] 🌓[b][color=cca78e]The Watch[/color][/b] 🌓 [i]"Can't get read on him."[/i] Bartholomew feels like he doesn't at all understand Giosue, from their first mission to their training, Bart doesn't really know how to expect The Watch to react, whereas he thinks he might be able to anticipate the other Emendators, at least a little bit. [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=998849]Paradoxes[/color][/i][/b][/h3][hr][hr] Symbol [b][color=ed145b]Alicia Gonzalez[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i] Relation Details [hr] 👋[b][color=8A2BE2]Alexandra Andonova[/color][/b] 👋 [i]"She's got a nice wit on her, I'd love to talk to her more."[/i] Bart was quick to take a liking to Alex, finding the little she shared of her backstory incredibly interesting. That, mixed with her being from a timeline that seemed to be unique to the Paradoxes, peeked young Bartholomew's curiosity. Out of all the paradoxes, he wants to get to know her the most. He's very concerned about whatever happened during the month she was training with Nancy, and wants to talk to her to find out what's going on there. [hr] 🌓[b][color=6ecff6]Sophia Harris[/color][/b] 🌓 [i]"She had exploding head syndromes when we first met. That's about it."[/i] He didn't get much of a chance to socialize with Sophia, but she seems nice enough. If anything, he's concerned about how her handicap is gonna impact her ability to be a Paradox, but on the other hand, that's not too much of Bart's concern, and she [i]did[/i] come from the Undead timeline, so he's pretty sure she can handle herself. [hr] 🌓 [b][color=indianred]James Grady[/color][/b] 🌓 [i]"I don't think we've spoken."[/i] Bartholomew doesn't have an opinion on James, they just haven't actually spoken. [hr] 🎆[b][color=F5A4E3]Faith Masters[/color][/b] 🎆 [i]"She's a bitch, but she's a bitch who has my back."[/i] Faith has flaws, she's mean, walled off, and one of the most abrasive people Bart's ever met. That being said, she can handle herself in a fight, and he think's he's finally gotten at least closer to her since the night at club AfterDark. [hr] 🎆/🌓 [b][color=9999ff]Andromeda Aldrich[/color][/b] 🎆/🌓 [i]"Glad she's on our side."[/i] Bart doesn't know Andromeda too well, but hell if he isn't impressed by her abilities. Out of all the presented abilities he's seen from his peers, the ability to control the weather is by far the most powerful, in his opinion, and he's glad to have her around for that. [hr] ♨️[b][color=97e23b]Bartholomew Rosecliff[/color][/b] ♨️ [i]"Something needs to change."[/i] Bart doesn't feel right after his year of training. The world and his place in it are fundamentally different now, and he knows he needs to learn to put things above himself. Him not being the most important thing to himself is something different and new, and he needs to adapt to that. [hr] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=998849]My Life Before[/color][/i][/b][/h3][hr][hr] 😡 [b][color=0f6025]Cynthia Rosecliff[/color][/b] 😡 [i]"Just because I understand her doesn't mean that I forgive her"[/i] The better liked of his two parents, Bartholomew sees his mother as something he could have become. She, unlike his father, might actually be capable of doing things with her life. However, she settled for the path of least resistance in life, and that's something Bart can't respect or forgive. [hr] 👹 [b][color=41ADF0]Maxwell Rosecliff [/color][/b] 👹 [i]"It's better for everybody if we never meet again"[/i] Bartholomew is not prone to violence, but this man makes his blood boil to a point that if he ever saw him again, he might actually assault him. The way he sees it, this man is an absolute waste of space. He did nothing to help his son succeed, or even survive on his own. [hr] 💓 [b][color=49d1b1]Lucky The Cat[/color][/b] 💓 [i]"You were a great cat Lucky, wish I could have stuck around awhile longer."[/i] Bart's cat. He knew him briefly, but he was everything he could have wanted in a pet, mostly because he didn't know him long enough to have reason to dislike him at all. He'd always wanted a cat in life, and having Lucky was everything he hoped for and more. [hr] 🎆 [b][color=c5d149]Carl Masters[/color][/b] 🎆 [i]"He wasn't just a professor, he was a real friend."[/i] His professor and mentor throughout his college days, he became something like a stand in father figure for Bartholomew. He helped him grow not only academically, but also professionally, and as a person. He was the single most important adult in his life. [hr] 🌓 [b][color=ce605a]Sushi Guy[/color][/b] 🌓 [i]"Whatever man, I can't really blame you for any of what happened."[/i] In the never ending series of dominoes that is life, this man happened to potentially contribute in someway to Bart's death. That sucks, but honestly, Bart can't blame him. He sold some [i]fishy[/i] sushi, but it wasn't like he conspired to end Bart's life. [hr] [/center][/hider]