[i]Mana resuscitation and Rehabilitation,[/i] the dusty old tome Felix was pouring over was nearly a century old. Felix had hoped the contents of the book would help shed light on his recent problem. But, as Felix continued to skim through the pages more rapidly, it was becoming increasingly clear that the book did not contain any knowledge that Felix was not already privy to. Felix let out a sigh and dropped his legs down from their resting place up on his desk, closing the book and placing it on top of another recently skimmed tome [i]Blood Oaths and Aura Contracts: A Guide to Contractual Thaumaturgy.[/i] Felix placed his elbows on his desk and removed his reading glasses with his left hand, using his right hand to massage the corners of his eyes with his thumb and index finger. [i]'If only I had more time, I'm sure I could think of another way...'[/i] Felix thought as he continued to massage his tear ducts. [i]'Perhaps severing the ley-lines is the only way'[/i] Felix considered briefly before he was interrupted by the flashing of his manadial. Felix opened his eyes and twisted his wrist to check the alert the manadial was responding to. His eyes widened as he realized exactly what it was: a distress beacon, coming from the middle of the pacific ocean. Felix hopped to his feet and conjured his robes onto his body, before executing a cross-glyph portal spell, and slipping through it. Felix had opened the portal to just a few feet away and slightly above where the distress signal went up. Falling down towards the ocean, a bit too gracefully, Felix conjured up manaegis greaves, dropping onto the water with a reverberate clunk. His manaegis repelled physical matter, which meant that he wasn't necessarily walking on water, but rather gliding on it. Looking around after making his landing, Felix spotted a magically constructed boat a few yards off and began to glide towards it, moving his feat as if he were ice skating. As he picked up speed and distance, he eventually abruptly angled his body to stop just before reaching the makeshift watercraft. "Well, I was expecting to walk into a battle, but it appears your distress signal was of a natural nature rather than an adversarial one." Felix let out a sigh of relief, "Well, regardless lets get you home." Felix lifted his right hand etching out a rune in the air, opening his trademark cross-glyph portal at the front of the boat.