[hider=Rufus, King of Hell] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/iWEasVT.jpg[/img] [/center][hr][indent][color=Royalblue][b]• Name:[/b][/color] [i]Rufus[/i] [color=Royalblue][b]• Title/Epiphet:[/b][/color] [i]Vagrant King. The Creeping Chaos. Ruffles. That Idiot Over There. Chicken Flinger.[/i] [color=Royalblue][b]• Allegiance/Faction:[/b][/color] [i]Demons of Hell[/i] [color=Royalblue][b]• Race:[/b][/color] [i]Eldritch Horror[/i] [color=Royalblue][b]• Summary:[/b][/color] [i]Hell's central leadership has always existed in a swirling maelstrom of conflict where secretive coups where as common as vagabond swordsman demanding the crown at the end of their blade. As such, Hell has a long line of would be monarchs holding onto the ephemeral power for precious little time before being replaced once more. The truth of the matter was, Rufus was fond of long vacations and left this throne open while he gallivanted across space, time, and his girlfriend's couch. Bearing the visage of a youthful human he commanded Hell from the comfort of a ratty couch he found by a dumpster, and passed decrees as random as they were counter intuitive. Anyone asked upon the infernal plane can regal one with tales of captive Angels being given command of armies on a whim, or of parties ruined by stray chicken nuggets hurled upon hell hounds. Whatever method exists to his madness has yet to be gleamed by the vast majority of his followers. Yet Rufus reign was undisputed and no challenger to his couch could so much as blink before they were departed from his domain without a trace, and it was only in the course of an interstellar vacation to a galaxy far, far away that Hell came to have two new monarchs, the former's reign a paltry one in terms of length before the latter begrudgingly took office. The return of Rufus with ball and chain in toe aboard a crashing star ship riding the explosive current of an act of creation foretold an epic struggle between an Arch Demon, a enthusiastic gardener with a parasol, the Vagrant King, and a Primordial vampire glued to his hip! Only for no such event to happen, and Rufus brought about sweeping to reform to Hell's government with the institution of a four person Oligarchy to usher in a golden age for all of Hell. He was just that nice of a guy. [/i] [color=Royalblue][b]• Powers:[/b][/color] [i][/i] [indent][color=Royalblue][b]— Thinking Outside the Box:[/b][/color] [i]One looks at Rufus and perceives a mortal shell existing in the present. Rufus looks at the universe and glimpses the past, present, and possibilities of the future simultaneously. The shifting of the cosmos and the slithering of the serpent coiled about the Nexus brush against his senses constantly. Rufus glimpses the possibilities for future intrigue and plucks them from the air, forging a new future from the abstract inanities others pass up.[/i] [color=Royalblue][b]— Portals:[/b][/color] [i]No one has witnessed Rufus fight. What he has achieved is through naught but the application of portals. There is no limit upon these portals, whether it be distance, time, or mass is irrelevant to the Vagrant King's ability. This is the pinnacle of the very concept of translocation, and one he covets above all other power, disdaining those who possess yet squander such feats.[/i] [color=Royalblue][b]— Monstrous Truth:[/b][/color] [i]What is seen is a lie, and what is truth is beyond comprehension. Should he wish it, the truth will be revealed, his name known, and those before his gaze shall witness the reality of the Creeping Chaos as it envelops them.[/i][/indent][/indent][hr] [/hider]