[center][h1]Naoko Suzuki[/h1][/center] Throughout this entire exchange and ride, a wiry, long-legged Asian boy sat. His back was turned to everyone else on the plane, and he conversated to himself in his home's language, not even bothering to rate any of them. Their banter was starting to annoy him, but he kept a poker face and sank into his own mind. [i]この場所はひどいです。私は大学に入れるべきManiaclesにサインアップしていませんでした!私はこれらの人々とこだわって言及しないように...おそらく、私は彼らにチャンスを与える必要があります。それは、彼らはそれを最大限に活用しようとしている彼らのせいではありません。[/i] He sighed, regretting his decision already as he clung tightly to his duffel bag. As the chatter penetrated Naoko's thoughts, he grew frustrated, and finally turned to face the other residents of the helicopter. "静か!" Then he rolled his eyes. They wouldn't understand him. "Quiet, please." He said in a heavy Japanese accent. "I need to think." He went back to his thoughts, hoping he wouldn't get a bad reaction. He wondered if his parents had arranged for this. [i]それは確かに私に怒っなるために何かを与えるだろう。しかし、私は良いものに焦点を当てる必要があります。鈴木家は、正のままです。鈴木家は強いままです。私は直子、鈴木です。[/i] The helicopter itself impressed Naoko with its advanced technology. It looked very different from any helicopters he had seen in real life, reminding him more of science fiction. He smoothed his wrinkled black t-shirt, his khaki-ed legs bouncing up and down. " マジック...だから奇妙な。私は実際にそれを学ぶことができますか?私は基本を開始することができ、右の献身を賭け、そしていくつかの学習スキル。その後、再び、私は魔法のためのものではありませんよ。私のナイフと私の銃は十分." He said this a little more loud than intended.