Jean Wylder could accurately recall a number of instances where he’d been in considerably more discomfort than in his current situation. Such as that time when he’d nearly frozen to death on the tundra of Palpetometha, or when he'd received his frost burns and plasma wounds from his first encounter with Cibby. All of those circumstances aside the current beating he was now receiving from the drunken Cajjinxs ranked very high on that list. Their large slimy fists pounded his defenseless form again and again, punctuated by kicks to the face and groin. One of the brutes even smashed every bone in his right hand by pounding his metal heel into the callused appendage. Jean held through all of it unable to even groan or cry out due to his total paralysis, forced to suffer every painful blow. It seemed like hours, days, weeks of torture before Jean was finally released by the total void of unconsciousness. When Jean came to it felt as if his body was aflame. Pain flared from every nerve protesting their brutal treatment. Blood filled his mouth and nose making it hard to breathe and large angry welts kept his eyes squinted shut. Jean clenched his left hand wishing the agony away. [i]Wait![/i] Jean clenched his hand again feeling the muscles respond to his commands. A sense of relief washed over him. It was comforting to be back in some control again, the effects of the drugs must have been wearing off. So he wasn’t dead yet… [color=8dc73f]“Day cycles are short ‘ere on Nethplume.” [/color]One of his Cajjinx tormentors was saying. They must’ve grown bored with assaulting him when they realized he’d passed out. [color=8dc73f]“We need to find someplace no one will find him. Any ideas Garth?” [/color] [color=a187be]“I arrived with ya bud, how in fuck sake would I know more than y’all?”[/color] Jean wiggled his big toe. [color=8dc73f]“Just grab him, I’ll check th’ holomaps for someplace to dump him. Any old mineshaft or alley will do. We’re leaving today.” [/color] Rough hands grabbed ahold of Jean’s jacket and the three Cajjinx began dragging him away. A trail of blood following in their wake. Darkness still held sway over the town hiding it in shadow. The three continued muttering to each other but Jean ignored them, instead opening his eyes ever so slightly to take stalk of his situation. Apparently he was facing downward, while two of them held onto fistfuls of his clothing for purchase. And right there a mere three inches from his face was none other than a shiny new blaster pistol, freshly bought and fitted snugly into a leather holster. Jean grinned despite of himself, clenching and unclenching his left hand. He’d have to use his left, his right was currently out of commission. It’d be tough but Jean reckoned he could whip the pistol out, shoot the two holding him before they could react, and blast the third before he could draw iron. What did have to lose? [color=8dc73f]“There be a Riverwalk ‘bout half a mile from ‘ere. We’ll walk down fifth to avoid any curious folk an’ cut across this ‘ere pleasure field to shave off time. Lookie ‘ere.” [/color]The two Cajjinx lugging Jean stopped walking and leaned forward to see what their companion was pointing out. Jean lashed out, his famous speed shown in high regard. Easily snagging ahold of the pistol and wrapping his finger around the trigger. Unfortunately Jean wasn’t his usual self after his recent beating, and having to use his left hand didn’t help. Jean jerked hard on the pistol grip but couldn’t force it from the sheath. A cry rang out from the Cajjinx he was attacking who reached to force Jean’s hand away. In the split second struggle, the pistol went off. A spray of charred flesh exploded everywhere, the plasma ripping straight through leather, flesh, and bone before burrowing a few feet into the ground. The Cajjinx screamed, falling backward in agony and releasing Jean at the same time. The other two having realized what was happening bellowed in surprise, one jumping to take hold of Jean while the other reached for his own weapon. Three more blaster bolts lit up the quiet corner flashing two green and one red. A single bolt zipping away into the sky only to be lost from sight moments later. Jean, no longer supported by the Cajjinx’s hand fell wincing as he hit the concrete road. The fight wasn’t over yet. Even as he tried to sit up Jean felt someone grab his leg. Without hesitation Jean aimed in that general direction firing six times in a desperate fury. He counted out five seconds, waiting for the pressure on his leg to subside. Then with the satisfying sound of a collapsing organic body the screaming stopped and silence reigned supreme. ~*~*~*~*~ The early hours of morning brought many headaches with it within [i]Gruta’s Saloon[/i]. More than a few Cajjinx miners were sprawled across the tables snoring. Others were wrapping up the night preparing to stagger their way back to the mining ship. Due to Gurta’s distractions with Bart she’d not bothered to close at the customary hour, and so even though the tavern emptied of most of the local assemblage most of the Cajjinx remained. At the bar Bart was feeling a lot better after his encounter with Sheriff Jean Wylder. The vengeful human would soon be dead if he wasn’t already. And it would take who knew how many cycles before someone found his body, and the human ban in Cajjy space would mean the wrong questions would be asked in regards to his demise. It was the perfect accident to tie up the final loose ends to this entire debacle. Eyes drooping from exhaustion the Cajjinx smuggler stood up, stretching and yawning. [color=f7976a]“T’was a pleasure meeting ya miss Gurta. I wish you and this establishment well in the future to come.” [/color]He tweaked her fuzzy chin, a wry grin on his face. [color=f7976a]“Maybe I’ll stop by to visit sometime, I could never forget what you did for me. T’was very courageous.” [/color] [color=ed145b]“No problem mister. Feel free to come on back If’n ya ever flyin’ by.” [/color] [color=0072bc]“He ain’t coming back for a long time hon!” [/color]At that moment the saloon door burst open off its hinges flying inward to crush a table under its massive weight. Metal bolts, bits of durafiber and chunks of wood flew in every direction. None other than Jean Wylder forced his way into the alehouse astride his massive spughoss Leeroy. The great beast reared scattered tables and Cajjinxes alike. [color=0072bc]“It’s me bitches! And I went n’ brought the cavalry this time! Yeehaw!” [/color] [color=f7976a]“Shoot him you idiots, shoot him!”[/color] Bart screamed, hurling himself over the bar counter as plasma bolts began flying. The ancient wooden walls burst into flame as wild shots sank into the flammable material, adding to the general chaos of the scene. Jean shot with all his renowned skill dropping any Cajjinx that dared stir, his spreadshot Spacechester in hand. The shotgun nullified the weak hastily taken cover the aliens attempted to hide behind, and within moments those who weren’t passed out drunk were either dead or dying. Some slain outright by Jean, others stomped down under Leeroy’s hooves. Guiding the snorting spughoss over to the bar counter Jean leered over at the cowering Bart. [color=0072bc]“Howdy there, I’d appreciate my pistol back.” [/color]Jean jerked away, narrowly dodging a red bolt from his own pistol which Bart now held. [color=0072bc]“Motherfucker, listen close Bart. I could blast ya dead even if you're hide back there. But I still wanna talk. And you have a date with lady justice back on Juplif. So do th cowardly thing, toss me up my gun, then stand up and reach for th’ sky.” [/color] [color=f7976a]“Don’t shoot, I’ll come out!” [/color]Bart cried from behind the bar, and a moment later the pistol clattered onto the surface. Setting the shotgun into his saddle holster Jean scooped up his pistol, checking to make sure no damage was done. Tapping the barrel on the countertop Jean cocked the hammer back pointing it in Bart’s general direction. [color=0072bc]“Stand up where I can see ya.”[/color] [color=f7976a]“This place is on fire.”[/color] Bart insisted, nevertheless doing as he was told. Both of his webbed hands stretched high over his head. [color=f7976a]“We need to leave.” [/color] [color=0072bc]“I want some answers first Barty. Did you murder, or arrange th’ killing of Detective Vincent?” [/color] [color=f7976a]“No! I had nothing to do with that. They arranged his accident not me, all I knew was that he would no longer be bothering my run.” [/color] Jean mulled this over for a moment, not seeming to care that the fire was spreading fast and smoke was filling up the saloon. [color=0072bc]“Whose they?”[/color] [color=f7976a]“I don’t know. Not really. You know how these things go, they’re careful. And dangerous.” [/color]Bart explained. [color=f7976a]“They took care of any problems and I delivered the kredits right to their fleet. That’s it. Please you gotta believe me.”[/color] The roof creaked ominously and in the distance sirens could be heard. [color=0072bc]“Where were you delivering too?” [/color]Jean asked at last, releasing the pressure on the hammer, sheathing the pistol into its holster. Looking very relieved Bart lowered his hands a little, a more cynical tone in his voice. [color=f7976a]“Ozloron, Theonia, err Z17 I think. I was supposed to give it to the commander of the fleet. I’d get paid my bit then I’d be free to go. They’re undergoing some kind of invasion, I wasn’t filled in on any more than that. But I’ll tell you more, everything I know, just please get me out of here before we all die.” [/color] Jean’s brow creased. [color=0072bc]“Theonia’s being invaded…”[/color] Using his heels Jean guided the big stallion around making a beeline for the entrance, even as the flames rose licking greedily at the bar, spreading faster than ever thanks to the spilt liquor. [color=f7976a]“Wait, wait what about me?”[/color] Bart cried, not yet confident enough to lower his hands. [color=0072bc]“The Cajjy law can deal with y’all. If any of y’all live through the fire.” [/color]Jean turned in the saddle, touching the rim of his hat to the shocked Cajjinx. [color=0072bc]“I’ve got a bigger steer to break. See ya ‘round Barty. I wish ya Hell.” [/color]