The second round of drinks landed on their table without a fuss. Neither of the women bothered to thank the bartender. The mage could not talk for the woman, but Catarina was filled with curiosity as to what the Dragon would bargain for. She held the woman's steady gaze with cool confidence while she waited for the big reveal. It did not take long though before the thin line of the woman's mouth relaxed into a semblance of a smile and she presented the contents of the pouch. It was a finely made wooden box with smooth edges and a tiny hole where the woman's special key fit in. The snake-faced woman, who refused to touch the second mug, unlatched the box then peeled the silky layers of protection inside to reveal the Dragon's desire. The mage's eyes widened. "Pyre's Fortune," she whispered just as the woman announced what it was. Te mage involuntarily grabbed her second mug then she took a swig. The Academy at Aldcourt was where she first heard of the artifact. It was said to be in the posession of the Emperor himself, guarded by his elite circle of mages, the Golden Shield. There was also believed that it was the sole reason why a human was at the throne. No way could it be the real Pyre's Fortune. And if it were, then perhaps she was looking at the next biggest bounty. Catarina leaned back shaking her head. "Forgive my bluntness, but that couldn't be real," she said in a matter of fact tone. Her mouth was set in a hard line while she fished for a couple of coins. "I'm sorry, but it felt like I wasted my time. It was nice meeting you, though. Please enjoy drink, but please excuse me." She got up from her seat and went to the bar where the bartender was wiping plates. Tired eyes looked up from the plate. "Here," she slapped the coins on the table. Normally, she would have called the bartender to the table then pay, but she was eager to be away from the snake woman. She did not trust the stranger. The bartender picked the coins on the bar, then nodded. He was about to turn his back, but he hesitated and did face her again. "A man in expensive clothes said to tell the snake-faced woman that the deal's off," said the bartender. "Tell yer friend, he said so." He jerked his chin towards the woman. Catarina's ears perked up. "He?" Her eyebrows rose in curiosity. "What does he look like." "Like jus' another man, madam. Brown hair, green eyes. Though ye kin spot him 'cause of his odd clothes." She nodded, then tossed another coin at the bartender's direction. "Thanks," Catarina walked from the bar, but as she passed the snake-faced woman, she said, "The deal is off."