[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24]World Narrative[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr] Groups 1, 2, & 3 - You are either exiting Newnan or just have and are on your way. Snow has caused downed trees, the world opening up and taking Newnan with it has caused even more. This next trek of our adventure is just beginning. Over the course of this next week (irl) you are trying to get away from Newnan before the Walkers full fall onto it. You will make your way as far away from Newnan as you can in this time - if you can. (This will be our last round before our original OOC gets its next major overhaul... Newnan is being removed from it!) You will proceed as a case method - 7 days to get it done. Getting it done just means surviving. We are going to continue as we have. Joint Pm's through this. Rounds with actions (walking at this point, driving, using skills, etc) will require a roll. Anyone that has not been cleared in the mental department will need sanity checks as well until you get a clear one. Walkers have started to arrive in Newnan. There are about four dozen of them scattered around Newnan. Some are in the roads, some between the trees, like cockroaches they are coming out of the wood work and like moths they are being drawn to the flames that are rising up from Newnan itself. So start your pm's, drop me a line for your rolls and we shall begin. Next round everything changes. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=0072bc]Thana Martin[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/a32395e038a138b75f029902bcc93962/tumblr_inline_mp2rjltm7S1qz4rgp.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Truck[/center][hr] [color=0072bc]"We could only hope that Eden was hit as hard as Newnan was but I doubt it,"[/color] Thana said as she kept driving. [color=0072bc]"From the way the ground opened up that was a Lime Sink forming. They aren't that common this far north of Macon but they aren't unheard of; where I grew up though, they were everywhere and after the flood of 94 tons more formed. Earthquakes on a major level just don't happen around here. At least not on a level where most humans can feel, so that counts that out."[/color] Thana turned down a road to avoid several trees that were down. She couldn't be sure it was a lime sink that formed but she was pretty sure that was what it was. She wasn't a geography expert by any stretch of the imagination but being a botanist and growing up in the state gave her a heavy knowledge of ground and soil composition in the south. Granted it didn't dawn on her that he could be speaking about anything else. At least not at first. Then the way he worded things struck a chord in the back of her mind. [color=0072bc]"Wait, what are you talking about? I mean, when you say they, who do you mean by they?"[/color] she asked as she looked in the rear view mirror and then back at the road. She had said they would stop and then walk the rest of the way. (Thana never said they were stopping at a supply depot: no idea where Alexander got that idea from, just that they would check the truck, the one they are currently in, when they did stop and before they started walking.) [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f26522]Gavin[/color] & [color=598527]Lola[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/a0340758-d589-4044-bfb7-0078536bb5ad.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Tank[/center][hr] [color=598527]"Well fuck me, that sounds like the exact type of people that need to have their world blown up by this lovely piece of machinery,"[/color] Lola quipped as she kept driving. From what Beatrice was saying going out and blowing people up she hadn't even met was a good thing. As far as she was concerned, this was kind of like a war. Some times people just had to die so that others could live. If the face eaters hadn't been able to take them down by now, then it was up to someone with a fully functioning brain to do the job. Not just someone wandering around and rotting away that only thought with their stomach. (Granted truth me told that could have described a good twenty percent of the population BEFORE the outbreak if she was being honest.) And she had been given "orders" by someone higher ranking than her. Granted, it wasn't someone in her military, and there were no countries anymore, and the world had pretty much ended, and she wouldn't have cared what the girls rank was, it sounded like fun - and now it sounded like fun was going to mean doing something right. So it was a win win in her book as far as she was concerned. Drive her tank, blow shit up, whip some ass heathens off the face of the earth, and this was after she had food, got a new tea set, and acquired a hell of a side of beef into her tank, Aka Gavin. It was a fucking ACES day in her book. [color=598527]"Wait, the two that went down the rabbit hole knew all the details? Well that's a bitch, sorry about the loss girl. Sucks,"[/color] she said. Yeah, she was really damn good at consoling people. She could be in line for a job as a Walmart Greeter one day. Gavin finished taking a once over to the sniper rifle before he leaned back against the side of the tank and rested the weapon across his lap. [color=f26522]"Yeah it does. Things just comin' out of the blue blazes, hell fire kickin' up. Ain't right that decent folk die and the asshats don't,"[/color] he said. He didn't know James and Ryan really. He had barely said but a handful of words to Ryan since he met him and he had only met James a little bit longer before that. Yet they seemed alright, James seemed like the type he could have hung out with before everything happened, out hunting and fishing and then cooking up some mean BBQ and sipping on some home brew spirits. Yeah, that would have been Jim Dandy it would have been. [color=f26522]"That's why god gave us Rangers. Folk willin' to do the dirty shit so er'yone else can sleep at night. Ain't no government anymore but there still be war, there still be bad people. So there always be Rangers. People on the wrong side of heaven but on the righteous side of hell,"[/color] Gavin said as a dark look took over his eyes and he stared at a single rivet in the wall of the tank across from where he was sitting. Everything seemed to blur except that single piece of metal as he hyper focused on it. Same tactic he used right before he squeezed the trigger when he was hunting things through his rifle or out on the job.