[Center][color=00aeef][b]Brandy - Clinic [/b][/color][/center] Everything replayed in her head like it was on a loop. Jer vision blurred as she was shadowed by a large figure, a Super Mutant. It was not Rook, but he didn't seem to impose an immediate threat. Though it did not matter much, she couldn't hardly move, her legs felt like rubber melting into the cot. She felt a needle, followed by tugging on her shoulder as she was stitched up. Her head rocked back and forth, her eyes pried open and dry as she had no more tears. The Med-X jad began to course through her veins calming her body down, but not her mind. “They're real,” she whispered hoarsely to the Super Mutant before he left her side. She could feel the beasts warm saliva on her face again, just like it had been in the town center. She turned her head to shake it off and look away but the beast still stood right in front of her whichever way she turned her head, poised for the kill. Her attention was diverted, if only for a brief moment as a gentle warmth encompassed her hand. “Don’t worry kid, I’m here for you.” Ace said quietly, lightly brushing a strand of hair from Brandy’s cheek. She stared at him, his image going back and forth between Ace and the deathclaw. Her lip quivered as Ace leaned in closer. She managed to get hear head to rest against his chest on the edge of the cot. “Am I dead?” her voice quiet, her face embracing the warmth of his chest. Her shoulder and back felt hot from the wounds, “I never got to tell you I love you...I...I’m sorry Ace. I'm so sorry that I never told you, now it's too late.”